RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

RMT To Enhance Campaign Against 'Operational Effectiveness Programme'

We note the views expressed by our representatives held on Monday 8 October.

We therefore reaffirm our industrial action, and instruct the General Secretary to ensure:

  1. a renewed effort to promote and explain the action to drivers.
  2. regular updates from reps on developments.
  3. an up-to-date list of platforms with disputed categorisation is produced.
  4. our stations representatives produce publicity material for station staff, especially supervisors, on this issue and the union’s stance on it.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

Tube Lines Representatives Will Not Agree Any New Rosters

We note the report from the Assistant General Secretary and in accordance with this, instruct our representatives not to agree any new rosters, and instruct our members to take industrial action as follows:

  • in the event that management attempt to impose a new roster, to refuse to co-operate with it and to continue to work to the existing roster.

A personal letter is to be sent to all members involved.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.

Olympic Recognition and Reward At APD To Be Pursued Further And London Underground Administration Grades Reward To Be Reviewed

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd concerning the industrial action by our members in the Power and Electrical Department – APD Stations Group and the response from our representative. We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LUL, explaining that this matter is not resolved to our satisfaction, and to arrange the attendance of the relevant officer at further discussions with the employer.

LUL Uniform Consultation Committee Release Request To Be Addressed As Part Of Review Into Machinery Of Negotiation

We note that London Underground’s response to our request for release for our representatives on London Underground’s Uniform Consultative Committee for one day prior to the agenda deadline for the meeting to consult and prepare, and one day to report back.

This issue will now be addressed as part of the forthcoming review of machineries. This decision and associated correspondence is therefore to be added to the file LUL/0005 MACHINERY OF NEGOTIATION AND CONSULTATION – LONDON UNDERGROUND.

Ballots To Begin Over Anti Social Rosters For Tube Lines Members At West Ruislip Depot

We note the report on file. We are appalled that Tube Lines management are attempting to impose an anti-social roster on our members.

We instruct the General Secretary to organise an immediate ballot for strikes and action short of strikes of the members involved, to the shortest practical time scale, and to send a personal letter to all those being balloted urging them strongly to vote Yes to both questions.

London Underground Machinery Of Negotiation Review

We note the correspondence from London Underground, calling a meeting to discuss the process for conducting the review of the machineries. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that the appropriate officer and representatives attend this meeting, and to provide them with copies of previous decisions on this issue.

We note that while this review was originally of the industrial relations and health & safety machineries, the correspondence from LUL now suggests that it covers other areas

Industrial Relations Breakdown At Arnos Grove Depot Remains Unresolved

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and that our branch and representatives refute the company’s stance and confirm that management are still abusing procedures. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to demand an urgent meeting with LUL to attempt to resolve this issue, and to place a report of this meeting in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

As Tube Lines Cleaning Contract With ISS Nears End RMT Pushes For Cleaning Service To Be Brought In House

Noting that Tube Lines' cleaning contract with ISS expires on 31 March 2013, we resolve that the union will run a high-profile campaign for the contract to be brought in-house.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • produce a leaflet for both members and the public urging support for this
  • produce a petition (both printed and online) to Tube Lines' owner, TfL
  • organise leafleting sessions and protest actions
  • arrange a meeting with supportive GLA members and TfL Board members
  • raise this issue at the next meeting of our Parliamentary group

Testing Of Driverless Trains

We note the report from our LT Regional Council train grades committee. We welcome the committee’s organising efforts, and instruct the General Secretary to offer assistance and resources.

We note the comments concerning which grades may be used to test driverless trains. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a further, detailed report on this, and to ensure that membership data for all LUL train grades is accurate and up-to-date should we need to hold a ballot for industrial action.