RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

RMT Opposes London Undergrounds New Social Media Policy

We instruct the General Secretary to write to London Underground immediately stressing that these guidelines are issued unilaterally by the company and are not agreed by this union. We oppose employers’ intrusion into our members’ private lives and time, and will defend our members against unjust disciplinary action taken against them by London Underground under the pretext of these guidelines.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Tube Lines RMT Representatives Call For Further Industrial Action In Pension Dispute

We note the failure of the Joint Working Party to achieve our demands of pensions and travel equality, and the desire of our representatives to take further industrial action. This is in line with our previous decision of 27 July to call targeted, serious, sustained, effective and strategically-planned action, in pursuit of this dispute. Should Tube Lines continue to refuse our entirely justified demands, we are prepared to take further industrial action and to continue this campaign until we are successful.

RMT Reps To Organise Action Against London Undergrounds Apparent Preperation For Job Cuts

We note the reports from our representatives, which reveal a catalogue of measures from London Underground Ltd aimed at preparing the ground for job cuts.

These affect every grade of London Underground worker and underline the need for RMT to pursue a united, active and thought-out response, in order to defend our members’ jobs and London’s transport services.

RMT To Ballot Test Train Drivers For Industrial Action To Stop Tube Bosses Plans For A driverless Railway

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and reiterate this union's complete opposition to driverless trains. Every train must have a driver, to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground. Plans to scrap drivers or reduce their driving duties are risking safety, services and jobs, motivated by saving money and undermining trade unionism.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

National Campaign For Justice For Cleaners In The Transport Industry

We note that RMT currently has at least eight ongoing disputes with cleaning employers with ‘live’ ballot mandates, with issues heading towards disputes in other companies as well. We aim to hold co-ordinated strike action to pursue these disputes, perhaps a 48-hour strike in October or November.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain as a matter of urgency reports from all relevant lead officers as to the feasibility of this in the disputes with companies for which they have responsibility, and to place responses in front of us as they are received, and in any case within 21 days.

MITIE - Pay And Conditions 2012

We note the final offer from Mitie Technical Facilities Management of a pay rise of 1.5% for this year. While this is a disappointing offer, we note that it is the first pay rise in several years and as a one-year offer, gives us a platform to campaign for an improved rise next year.

We note that our representatives and branch recommend accepting it on this basis, and instruct the General Secretary to advise the employer of our acceptance.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised

London Underground's Attempt To Change 'Attendance At Work' Procedure Without Consultation Unacceptable to RMT

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise branches that I have received reports from our representatives that there have been instances where case conferences have been chaired outside the current agreed attendance procedure. This matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and has taken the following decision:-

“We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and share our Regional Council’s concerns.

RMT Seeks Comments On LUL's 'Guidance For The Use Of Social Media'

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Management have written to inform us of a new policy which gives guidance to staff over the use of social media. I write to advise branches that this matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and has made the following decision:-

“We note the correspondence from London Underground. We remain concerned about the potential use of these guidelines to unfairly discipline our members.

Rates Of Pay & Conditions Of Service 2012 – Cubic Transportation

From General Secretary Bob Crow

The above matter has been considered again by the General Grades Committee and has taken the following decision:-

“We note the report from our Regional Organiser. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to write to Cubic seeking a further meeting, and to place any developments in front of us. London Transport Regional Council and LU Engineering branch to be advised.”

Branches will be updated on further developments.