RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

London Underground Members Vote For Action Short Of Strike To Prevent Casualisation Of Jobs During The Olympics And After

That we note the result of the ballot for action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 1,954
Number voting “Yes” 1682 (86.3% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 267
Spoilt Papers 5

Carlisle Cleaning And Security Workers On The Docklands Light Railway Give Massive Mandate For Industrial Action

That we note the result of the ballots for both strikes and action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 32
Number voting “Yes” 31 (96.9% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 1
Spoilt Papers 0

ISS Cleaners Show Determination To Fight For Better Pay And Conditions As Over 95% Vote Yes For Industrial Action

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes and action short of strikes are both as

Total votes cast 43
Number voting “Yes” 40 (95.2% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 2
Spoilt Papers 1

Super Exploited Initial Cleaner Members Vote By Over 95% To Strike For Better Pay And Conditions

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 175
Number voting “Yes” 168 (96% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 7
Spoilt Papers 0

That we note the result of the ballot for action short of strikes is as follows:-

RMT Members Proposed industrial Action Secures Acceptable Olympic Payment At Thales

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that significant progress has been made in talks, leading to a new offer being tabled by the employer, including:

  • payments to employees to compensate for the change in annual leave allocation from a number of days to an equivalent number of hours
  • improved shift allowances
  • an Olympics payment of £20 per day, maximum £680
  • 1% pay rise

As Thales Make No Further Olympic Offer, RMT Reiterates Plan To Strike

That we note the correspondence from our Regional Organiser on file and the letter from Thales dated the 13th July 2012 and that this matter remains unresolved.

Therefore we reiterate our previous decision to call industrial action as stated in our decision GWW 11th July 2012.

Further should Thales mount a legal challenge, the General Secretary is instructed to provide all necessary assistance to defend the decision of our members to take industrial action.

Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.

RMT To Take Legal Advice On Whether Brother Petrit Mihaj's Employment Tribunal Success Against Sodexo Can be Used To Benefit Other Workers

"We...believe that the judgment in Mihaj vs Sodexo may be very useful for members in other companies"

We note with concern the correspondence advising that Brother Mihaj had not received the payment ordered by the Employment Tribunal within the required timescale, but note that he has now received the payment.

We further note that Brother Mihaj was successful in his Employment Tribunal application on the grounds that his employer did not use discretion in his case despite the contract of employment stating that discretion applied. We note that many employers routinely act in a similar fashion, for example refusing payments or applying disciplinary sanctions without exercising the discretion the contract or policy includes.

Transfer Of Initial Cleaners To Vinci


We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and endorse the recognition agreement. We note that the union is now pursuing recognition for other grades on this contract.

London and Anglia and London Transport Regional Councils, and relevant branches, to be advised.