RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

RMT Welcomes Use Of Boarding Ramps For Passengers With Mobility Impairments Wherever Sufficient Trained Staff Are Available For There Safe Usage

From General Secretary Bob Crow

The following resolution was passed by London Transport Regional Council;

“That our Union supports the continuing use of boarding ramps to enable access for mobility impaired passengers to London Undergrounds trains. We insist that this is properly risk assessed and that there are always adequate numbers of staff on every station to facilitate use of the ramps.”

The General Grades Committee met to consider the matter and made the following decision;

Carlisle Security Agree To Lengthen Strike Mandate As Discussion Continues

We note the report from our lead officer. The employer has indicated that it will agree to extend the deadline for calling industrial action by seven days, but has not yet sent the correct wording for this.

Should the correct wording be received from the employer, we instruct the General Secretary to place this item back in front of us within seven days, with a report of the meeting with the employer due to take place this Thursday, 15 November.

Should the correct wording not be received from the employer by Wednesday 14 November, we call industrial action as follows:

RMT To Step Up Campaign For London Taxi Scrappage Scheme

We note the work done to set up our campaign for a scrappage scheme for London taxis.

We resolve to step up this campaign, and therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. produce a window sticker for display in taxis promoting this campaign
  2. liaise with our London Taxi Drivers’ branch to hold a protest
  3. ask members to lobby their MPs to support our Parliamentary group’s Early Day Motion on this issue
  4. pursue appropriate organisations that campaign on environmental and/or public
    transport issues, asking for their support for this demand

Strike Suspended As Carlisle Agrees To Extend DLR Strike Mandate By Seven Days As Talks Continue

From General Secretary Bob Crow
Branches will be aware that we have been in dispute with Carlisle in our campaign to seek drastic improvements to pay and conditions of our Security and Cleaning staff working on the DLR contract. This matter has been discussed by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken: -

“We note the report from our lead officer. The employer has indicated that it will agree to extend the deadline for calling industrial action by seven days, but has not yet sent the correct wording for this.

RMT Demands More Representatives At Meeting To Discuss London Underground Machinery Of Negotiation

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise branches that correspondence has been received from LUL, with regards to the arrangements for the first meeting to discuss our bargaining arrangements. This matter has again been considered by the General Grades Committee which has made the following decision:

TFL Market Testing

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise branches that correspondence has been received regarding ‘Market Testing’ notices which have been issued by TfL. This matter has been now considered by the General Grades Committee which has made the following decision:

Executive Decision On CSS Bonus Payments To Members Transferred To TFL Under 'Project Horizon'

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Branches are advised that correspondence has been received concerning TFL’s failure to pay the CSS (Customer Satisfaction Survey) bonus to staff that had transferred from LUL to TfL under Project Horizon. This matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee which has made the following decision:-

RMT Deplores Tube Bosses Treatment Of Representative Moriarty

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council.

We deplore the way that London Underground Ltd has treated our representative, Brother Moriarty, and instruct the General Secretary to provide him with full support in pursuing this matter.

We also note that the issue of RMT representation at North Greenwich and Stratford train crew depots has now been resolved to our satisfaction, and congratulate our members, branch and representatives for their steadfastness on this matter.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Tube Bosses Claim There Will Be No Driverless Trains In 'Near Future' And State Changes Are Anticipated For Station Staff

We note the report of a meeting that took place yesterday with two Directors of London Underground Ltd. It appears that this meeting did not take place in line with our previous decision of 25 October 2012, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain an explanation of this and to place it in front of us.

We note that in the meeting, LUL stated that:

  • there will be no driverless trains in the near future
  • the Bakerloo line upgrade due in 2020 as yet has no agreed funding
  • it anticipates employing more station staff as the service frequency increases