RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

ISS, Initial And Carlisle Cleaning & Security Members To Take Industrial Action

Circular from General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise branches that following the recent yes vote in favour of industrial action, the company agreed to a seven day extension to our ballot and further talks took place. However no agreement has been reached, the General Grades Committee has now considered this matter and has taken the following decision: -

Test Train Drivers Industrial Action Begins On December 1st

Following our test train members’ vote for industrial action, and having discussed this with our representative, we instruct our test train members to take industrial action by refusing to test trains being prepared for driverless operation. This action is to start at 00:01 on Saturday 1 December and continue until further notice.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Develops Strategy Against Homphobia

We note the full Council of Executives has asked us to prepare a 'strategy to eradicate homophobia'. We instruct the General Secretary to prepare this work based on a non exhaustive list of ideas, e.g.

  1. challenging homophobia within the RMT
  2. responding to homophobic instances in the workplace
  3. provide support to members who are coming out as LGBT
  4. ensuring employers have policies that practise full equality
  5. supporting anti homophobic campaigns
  6. RMT to provide new materials for our LGBT members that challenges homophobia in the workplace

Tube Lines Members Ready To Take Industrial Action Over Christmas If Necessary

We note the report on the members’ meeting that took place yesterday, and welcome our members’ determination to pursue this dispute by taking industrial action at targeted, strategic times, including over the Christmas and Easter periods.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • place this matter in front of us as soon as recommendations are received for proposed further action
  • arrange for the production and distribution of a newsletter for Tube Lines members
  • ensure that our previous decision to organise two mass meetings – so that members on all

RMT to Fight 'Gay Cure' Organisations

RMT Council of Executives decision:

We note the item from the LGBT Advisory Committee and we instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. Support campaigns against anti-gay organisations that fraudulently and harmfully claim they are able to ‘cure’ homosexuality.
  2. Support and mobilise for appropriate protest actions on this issue to bring the fake business of ‘reparative therapy’ to an end.

RMT Defends Housing Benefit for Under-25s

Responding to a resolution from the LGBT Advisory Committee, RMT's Council of Executives has made this decision: We note that this is already Union policy and this horrendous attack on under 25s is part of this rotten Government's attacks on working people and noting that our LGBT members feel under further attack as many of them are trapped in circumstances where they are afraid to 'come out', which causes them more problems. The General Secretary is instructed to write to the TUC explaining our position and we are already campaigning with other groups eg.

RMT Defends NHS

RMT Council of Executives decision: We note the resolution [from London Transport Regional Council] and tthat we are already affiliated to the Health Emergency campaign and that our policies are clearly in support of defending the NHS. We continue to work with broad based movements to defend the NHS and reiterate our support for the founding principles of the NHS and reiterate our policy of opposing the privatisation of the NHS. The General Secretary to obtain appropriate literature to enable Branches and Regional Councils to support campaigning to defend the NHS.