RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

Treatment Of Occupational Health Staff Cause For Concern

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and share its concern about the treatment of Occupational Health staff. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this issue is taken up with Transport for London in line with the resolution, and ask the Regional Council to report to us on its progress with pursuing this issue.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

TfL Changes To New Years Working Arrangements Concerns RMT

We note the correspondence from Transport for London, and that for the most part, arrangements are the same as in previous year. However, following consultation with our representatives, we further note that TfL intends to change its practice regarding staff who volunteer to work additional duties assisting the public on New Year’s Eve, to the detriment of our members, compelling them to take a day’s leave when they previously did not have to.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to take this up with the employer as a matter of urgency.

RMT Pursues Issue Of Olympic Payment To Admin Grades

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, which merely tells us the structure of 'rewards' for admin staff, not the level at which they were paid out in recognition of the extra workload during the Olympics.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write again to LUL, asking specifically: what opportunity it gave staff to nominate; how many nominations were received; and how many awards of each category were granted.

Breach of Casualisation Dispute Continues And May Be Escalated

We note that London Underground Ltd continues to breach the settlement of our 2008 Casualisation dispute, in particular in its deployment of ICSAs, continuing use of agency staff, and plans to introduce mobile station supervision.

Noting the correspondence with our legal advisers, we instruct the General Secretary to send a letter to all LUL members reminding them of our ongoing industrial action in this dispute.

RMT Welcomes Tube Bosses Agreement To Remove Time Limit On Reimbursement Costs Of Spectacles

We note the correspondence from the company following the discussion at the recent meeting of London Underground Ltd’s Company Council. We welcome LUL’s agreement to remove the 2-year limit on payment of reimbursements, but are disappointed that the company refuses to reimburse staff who require two sets of different prescription spectacles for more than one set.

We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LUL in line with this stance and to seek a joint approach with ASLEF on this issue.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Bob Crow Writes To Tube Bosses Regarding Monitoring Of Union Rep Emails To Members Sent From Workplace Computers

That we note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd. We believe that LUL should be aware of what changes it has made to its own policy. We reiterate our concern that this policy may lead to unfair disciplinary action, and may compromise the ability of union members and representative to correspond with each other in confidence, for example regarding sensitive personal cases.

RMT Pursues Fair Representation in Review Of London Underground Machinery Of Negotiation

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and wish to continue with the status quo pending the review of the Machinery. We instruct the General Secretary to seek agreement with ASLEF regarding this, and to ensure that the strongest possible representations are made during the review for a fair allocation of representatives in line with our previous and any future decisions.


RMT Concerned With Treatment of Occupational Health Workers

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and share its concern about the treatment of Occupational Health staff. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this issue is taken up with Transport for London in line with the resolution, and ask the Regional Council to report to us on its progress with pursuing this issue.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

  • More articles on Occupational Health here

Regional Council Meeting Report November 2012

This is a synopsis of the report given by the London Transport Region Executive Member Janine Booth to the London Transport Regional Council Meeting on 29th November 2012.

To get more details please try and attend your branch meeting or regional council - your rep should have more information too. Alternatively this site has lots of information and material for workplaces in the London Region.



Tube Lines Christmas Pay Accepted

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the responses of our LU Fleet and LU Engineering branches.

Accordingly, while noting that the payment has not increased since last year, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that this union accepts the arrangements.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.