RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

ISS Cleaners Pay & Conditions 2012

We instruct all members on this contract to take strike action by not booking on for any duties starting at or after 05:30 on Friday 30 November and to return to duties starting at or after 05:30 on Sunday 2 December.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • send a personal letter by post to all members involved, explaining this action.
  • email our London Underground members, urging their support for this action.

National Strategy For Justice For Cleaners In The Transport Industry

We note correspondence from our cleaning grade secretary requesting that following the transfer of cleaning members on London Underground to Vinci, we pursue a dispute on this contract.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to urgently convene a meeting of our representatives on the Vinci contract to discuss how to progress this. A report of this meeting is to be placed in front of us as soon as is practical.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

London Transport Museum Job Cuts Plan Should Be Consigned To History

We note the report that London Transport intends to make significant cuts to staffing at the LT Museum. The Museum has suffered funding cuts from this vicious Coalition government, but our members, the Museum's visitors and the cultural value of the Museum's work should not be made to suffer.

We resolve to play a full part in the campaign against these cuts, and support its demand that TfL 'open the books' so that we can identify opportunities for avoiding cuts.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. support and mobilise for the lobby of the TfL Board planned for 12 December.

RMT Rejects TFL Pay Offer For 2012:

We note the views of our TfL no.1 branch on the pay offer from Transport for London.

We affirm the branch’s view that RMT should not accept TfL's pay offer. We do not support Performance-Related Pay, and we will not endorse part of our members' pay rise in the second year of this deal being conditional on us accepting a PRP policy that we have not even seen yet.

RMT is disappointed that other unions have accepted the offer and not taken up our request to pursue our concerns.

RMT Against Boxing Day 'Annual Leave Sale' For Tube Drivers

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd concerning Boxing Day working arrangements for drivers. We strongly oppose the company’s position, as it seeks to establish the principle of drivers being able to, in effect, sell their annual leave entitlement.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the views of our trains representatives concerning ASLEF’s dispute with LUL on Boxing Day working.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Union Opposes All Job Cuts On London Underground And Across TfL

We note the resolution from our East Ham branch concerning job cuts, and that similar resolutions have been passed by several other branches.

We share the views of our branches, and affirm that this union opposes all job cuts on London Underground and across TfL. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this position is made clear in relevant union publications and public statements and in any meetings and correspondence with the employers.

RMT Reaffirms Determination To Resist Automation As An Attack On Jobs

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd.

LUL’s letter confirms our suspicions that it still intends to increase automation in order to attack jobs and conditions, and we reaffirm our determination to resist this.

We further note reports that some testing of technology to facilitate driverless trains may have taken place at Wembley during the first weekend of November. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain an urgent report on this, and to place it in front of us.

Further Strike Action As Tube Lines Members Continue Struggle For Fair Pension

We note the views of our representatives, and accordingly instruct our members to take strike action by not booking on for any duties starting on or after 06:00 on Friday 23 November, returning to duties starting on or after 06:00 on Saturday 24 November.

We instruct the General Secretary to send a personal letter by post to all members involved explaining this action and urging their full support, and to facilitate workplace visits by officers and representatives.