The following resolution has been received from the London Transport Regional Council:-
“We note that the 2009 agreement which was made only by an ASLEF/management coalition has caused much detriment to our members. Throughout the train grades at all locations it is increasingly causing difficulties. The staffing levels agreed by the coalition are the underlying root cause of many other problems encountered including but not limited to, obtaining annual leave, special leave, flexible working, reasonable adjustments, training, secondments and career development opportunities.
The time is now overdue for change, we call upon the General Secretary to inform LUL that we are in dispute over this situation and prepare a ballot for strike action in readiness in case our reasonable demands for change are not met.”
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the resolution relating to the London Underground 2009 Agreement on train operator headcount which RMT was not party to. It is having an increasingly detrimental effect on members in terms of their ability to take leave, family friendly & flexible arrangements, medically necessary reasonable adjustments, training, secondments, career development and representation at management meetings including disciplinaries.
More alarmingly, this shortage of train operators engenders stress and unprofessionalism amongst the managers who supervise them as they too can't cope with the lack of train operators but have not the courage themselves to address this with their own senior management, but instead bully and continually subject our members to a harsh style of management which our members are no longer prepared to tolerate!
The NEC has taken the decision to arrange an urgent meeting of all our Trains Industrial and Safety Representatives with the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC in attendance and prepare a ballot matrix of our entire train operator membership for strike action. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
In preparation for the ballot, if any LU Train Operator or Instructor Operator members have recently changed their job title, work location or home address, please ask them to call the Freephone helpline number on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail to update their details.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary
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