Branch newsletters

Newsletters produced by RMT branches within the London Transport region

Arnos Grove Depot Newsletter - June 2009


As you might be aware, management are continuing to bully and harass staff by making up new rules as they go along and by ignoring long-standing agreements with your union. This, of course, has helped to bring about the dispute we are now in with the company across the whole combine. At Arnos Grove depot, management have been trying out a few tricks of their own (see below); fortunately, our local reps have stood firm and refused to allow local management to brush aside agreements and staff rights.

May Branch newsletter

Please find attached the latest Branch newsletter.

"Last month tube management succeeded in de-railing our democratic right to strike for better pay, against bullying and against compulsory redundancies.
Running off to the courts and threatening the union with legal action rather than negotiating with us shows their contempt for the workforce."

TfL No.1 Branch Newsletter (April 2009)

April 2009 TfL No.1 BRANCH April 2009


Despite the overwhelming majority voting for industrial action to force management into meaningful talks on both pay and job cuts, London Underground (LUL) have threatened to silence the membership by having its lawyers use legal loopholes contained in the anti-trade union laws to deny the democratic right to take action.

The RMT will not allow its members to be treated in this way, and will now re-ballot with a campaign for an even bigger majority 'YES' vote. TfL members will also re-ballot to maintain unity throughout any action.

'Easthammer' March 2009

The new issue of East Ham branch's newsletter urges all members to vote Yes in the current industrial action ballot. Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it. Read the text below.

Ballot papers are out! Vote Yes!

Ballot papers will be coming through your door over the next few days. Please make sure that you return your paper regardless of how you intend to vote. Management always make a big deal over those that do not vote. We need to Show them how disgusted we are with this offer. We need a united front to return a massive yes vote. It is in your interest to vote yes for industrial action as a first step to safeguarding your pay and conditions.