Branch newsletters

Newsletters produced by RMT branches within the London Transport region

Bakerloo News archive 2009 / 2008

For those interested in trade union history and how the Bakerloo Branch has reported on the issues facing workers on the line, I have attached the 2009 newsletters not included on the website and Bakerloo News issues from 2008.

To see the best newsletters that the RMT produces: from the sublime to the ridiculous, from our gains to our disappointments, from the bosses outrages to our analysis on the issues, click on the attachments below.

The Neasden Flyer - November 2009

Please Find Attached, the Current issue of The Neasden Flyer

Inside this issue...

Willesden Green Group Ballot for Strike Action

Defending Jobs & Agreements Train Operators Detraining instead of CSAs

Straford Market Depot Ballot for Strike Action


Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - Special Issue on Industrial Relations Crisis on Finsbury Park Group

As a consequence of some appalling local management on the Finsbury Park Group, our branch has published a special edition of Monthly News to highlight what has been going on there. Click on the attachment to download a copy and read all about it.