Branch newsletters

Newsletters produced by RMT branches within the London Transport region

This strike is not just about Eamonn Lynch. This is about you!

Bakerloo Branch has produced a newsletter on upcoming strike to stop the victimisation of Eamonn Lynch. Click on the attachement to download it. Main story follows:

RMT calls strike action. Do not book on for any duty between 21:00 hours from Friday 17th of December until 20:59 Saturday 18th of December
This strike is not just about Eamonn Lynch. This is about you!

The Neasden Flyer - December 2010


Please Find Attached the December Edition of 'The Neasden Flyer'

Inside this issue
THANK YOU - For Solidarity with Strike Action'
Branch Dates 2011 - Dates for your Diary
Are your details up to date? Contact Nick Smith
Stay in the loop register for branch emails and text messages

December 2010 Newsletter

The latest Branch newsletter features articles on the Tribunal Judge's ruling on Eamonn Lynch's sacking, the jobs and safety strike and LUL's Rainbow procedure.

Click on the attachment to download it.

Bakerloo Branch AGM

Download the poster advertising the Bakerloo AGM

Thursday December 2nd at 15:00 hours, upstairs in the Clachan, Kingly Street, near Oxford Circus tube station.

Speakers include General Secretary, Bob Crow

Defend Arwyn Thomas

ArwynClick '1 attachment' / file name to download this as single-side A4 leaflet (PDF).

There was standing room only in the large function room at Ganleys in Morden. A packed branch / strike meeting kicked off the campaign to defend long standing RMT activist Arwyn Thomas from disciplinary charges following allegations made against him by strike breakers. Morden train operator Arwyn Thomas has been a NUR/RMT member for over 29 years.

November Bakerloo Branch newsletter

Click on the link to see a copy of the November edition of Bakerloo News.

Main story follows:

Next strike day - November 3rd! Together we will win!

The 2nd day of combine wide industrial action by RMT and TSSA members was a resounding success. Even the most begrudging naysayer would have to agree. By the morning peak on Monday 4th October even LU had to admit that the second day of strike action for jobs was having an even greater impact than the first.

Monthly News Strike Special - October 2010

Please click on the attachment to download a copy of Finsbury Park's Strike Special edition.

In this newsletter:

STRIKE FOR JOBS AND SAFETY - ROUND 3 - How our actions are really hurting the company and why we need to keep up the pressure;

FIREFIGHTERS' STRIKES - LUL managers say there is no danger on the railway arising from the firefighters' strikes. Great. Now read the truth;

Hands off Peter Hartshorn!

Green Park group Industrial Rep, Peter Hartshorn has come under attack by local management. He faces the trumped up allegation of swearing at a DSM, which could result in a CDI and possible dismissal. In reality, the only thing for which Peter is guilty is being an effective local rep prepared to defend his members and stand up to management bullying and intimidation. Read more by clicking on the attachment below.