Branch newsletters

Newsletters produced by RMT branches within the London Transport region

Bakerloo News September 2011

Click on the attachment to download the latest Bakerloo Newsletter. Main stories follow:

Justice for Jayesh!

Following London Underground’s decision to uphold the downgrading of Bro Jayesh Patel to CSA the Bakerloo Branch has requested a ballot for strike action of all driver members on the line.
Jayesh was reduced in grade for an incident that occurred on February 12th 2011.

London Taxi News

The latest edition of London Taxi News, an anti-pedicab special, is now availale to download.

In this edition:

  • Bob says NO - RMT calls for unity against London’s pedicab menace
  • STOP PRESS - Cynical attempt to sneak in pedicab licensing
  • What happens if Clause 17 becomes law?
  • McDonnell scores important victory over pedicabs
  • Shame on Taxi
  • Unity, not sniping, is needed
  • Westminster City Council supports pedicab ranks

You can download the full newsletter using the link below, or click 'read more' to view the pdf if you have a modern browser.

Defend Tunde Umanah!


Click '1 attachment' / file name to download this as a PDF leaflet.

On Monday 20th June, RMT member & activist Tunde Umanah who is a well respected & trusted T/Op at Leytonstone was viciously sacked at a CDI. All issues raised in his defence were dismissed at hand by the disciplinary panel. Tunde was involved in a PTI incident at Woodford where a DTSM deliberately and willingly obstructed the doors on Tunde’s train. At the CDI the evidence was very clear that the DTSM could’ve removed his foot from the doors at any time throughout the incident.

Finsbury Park Monthly News - April 2011

Click on the attachment below to download April's Monthly News.

In this edition:

PICCADILLY BOSSES TRIAL ‘OPEN DOORS’ POLICY! - How did a set of doors open on their own on a moving train? Why did management fail to alert drivers to the incident, leaving our Safety reps to do the job for them?

COMPANY OFFERS PAY CUT - We are the 'Metro of the Year', yet the company offers us a deal which will cut our pay in real terms.