
RMT to ballot tube workers in defence of worker sacked for rushing to asssit pregnant colleague who was being assaulted

The RMT are to ballot tube workers at London Bridge and Waterloo stations in the dispute that has led to Lee Cornell being sacked and 2 other workers being given punitive sanctions.

The ballot will demand the reinstatement of Lee and the withdrawal of the punitive sanctions handed down to the 2 other workers.

The balloting period will commence on March 30 with ballot papers having to be returned by April 18

All station staff at these 2 busy Central London stations are being asked to vote YES for strike and YES for action short of to defend the London Bridge 3,

Tube worker sacked for going to the aid of a pregnant colleague who was being assaulted

London Underground : are you listening? We are going to strike unless you reinstate Lee Cornell.

Lee Cornell is a CSA at London Bridge with over 10 years exemplary service.
He is a dedicated, honest and proactive member of staff.

His crime was to go to assist a pregnant member of staff who had been physically assaulted by a fare evader.
The person who abused and assaulted Kirsty Watts then punched Lee twice and stole his glasses.

Report: TUC Disabled Workers' Committee meeting, 16 March 2017

TUC Disabled Workers' Committee co-Chairs, Sean McGovern and Janine Booth


We have set up campaign working groups to get more work done on key issues:

  • Employment Support Allowance / Personal Independence Payments
  • Access to Work
  • Precarious Contracts
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Access to Public Transport
  • Disability History Month

I will be convening the working group on accessible transport


Keep the Guard on the Train

Defend the London Bridge 3

Download, print, display and distribute widely.



Responding to a radio call to assist a colleague is now a sackable offence

3 CSAs at London Bridge have been sent to CDI following an incident with a fare evader in November 2016

The fare evader assaulted 3 members of staff, one was pregnant. 
She was pushed in her stomach.
Those who assisted were sent to disciplinary hearings.

New venue for London Transport Regional Council meeting 23/2/17

The new venue for the LT Regional Council will be at the Fountains Abbey, Praed St London W2

The meeting will start at 1630 and finish at 1830

This month will be the AGM and Regional officers will be elected.

Other issues from the Regional Organiser John Leach and the NEC member Andy Littlechild will be reported.

Please make every effort to attend

The National President Sean's Hoyle has been invited as a guest speaker.

Fast food workers fighting for £10 per hour - demo at Kings X 20 Feb 0800

The collaboration between RMT and the Bakers' union's "Hungry for Justice" campaign for fast food workers' rights, which has been driven by young members at regional and national level, is deepening, with a joint demonstration planned on 20 February at 08:00

Demo to defend our NHS March 4 2017



Organised by Health Campaigns Together and Peoples Assembly.

Supported by RMT, UNISON, UNITE, BMA and other local health campaigns and trade unions.

Assemble at 12 noon at Tavistock Square, London, WC1 and march to Parliament.

Please make sure you are part of the fight to defend our NHS

The RMT London Transport Regional Council and the RMT nationally have committed to put our weight to fight the attacks on our NHS. We need members and their friends and families to stand with us all to defeat these viscous attacks on working class people.