
Stations Ballot Closes on Nov 15

Make sure you return your balot paper in good time and vote YES for strike action and action short of strike action.

Industrial action, which could include an overtime ban, will show that our stations cannot operate with the current staffing levels.

  • Restore all jobs cut under Fit for the Future
  • Stop all displacements until we have an agreed transfer policy
  • All CSAs to be CSA1
  • Put the ticket offcie closures into reverse

Fit for the Future Impact: Ballot Papers will be Out Next Week

RMT has demanded that LU:

  • Restore Jobs cut under Fit for the Future
    • Staff all Control rooms and Ops rooms, Provide more CSAs in ticket halls
    • Add middle turns to break up constant dead early and dead late duties
  • Stop all Displacements until we have an agreed transfer policy
  • Make ALL CSAs into permanent CSA1. All new recruits to be as CSA1
  • Put the failed ticket office closure programme into reverse

Ballot papers for strike action and action short of strike action will be going out to members next week.

Update on Trains Management

Today myself and reps from the other Trade Unions again met with London Underground management to provide initial feedback and questions in response to the proposals made last week. I tabled 35 questions and comments and the other unions fully supported these, as well as making a number of additional points. For the RMT, the biggest issues will be the threat to pensions if the company's proposals over pay capping are allowed to happen and needing the company to guarantee a process of preferencing for locations.

An evening to remember Paul Robeson

A great initiative from the BEMMAC to commemorate the life of one of our finest - Mr Paul Robeson

A legendary character in the workers struggle whose songs inspired us and in times of need consoled us.

I recall at the funeral of Brian Munro, Robesons recital of Joe Hill was not only emotionally moving but also challenging to us all. I personally felt this was a demand from Brian that RMT reps go on to organise.

Paul Robeson will mean many things to many people.

Support for industrial action

Station staff members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Unions (RMT) will be balloted for strike action and action short of strike action in an on-going battle over job numbers, the critical safety role of control rooms, forced displacement of staff, grading and a crisis resulting from London Undergrounds closure of ticket offices

Neasden Branch Meeting change of dates for November and December.

Due to Tottenham Hotspur playing their Champions League games at Wembley Stadium the following Neasden branch meetings have been rescheduled.

The November Branch meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday 2nd will now take place on Thursday 3rd.

The December (Christmas) Branch Meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday 7th will now take place on Friday 9th.

These meetings will take place at the usual venue - The Torch Pub in Wembley Park.

Apologies for any inconvenience.