
Local Staffing Lists Required


Please could all Reps send an updated copy of their local staffing lists to our Membership Secretary Nick Smith. His email address is

It's vital that the branch membership details are up to date for potential strike action and also for branch funding. A simple copy of your local roster is sufficient enough for Nick to keep these details updated, so please forward thais ASAP. Please note that he will be requiring this list at least twice a year. 

RMT Picket line details for Monday Jan 9



RMT Station staff strike Monday Jan 9 Picket lines

The following locations are where the RMT will be holding picket lines and demos in support of our demand for more station staff, the reopening of station control rooms, the withdrawal of the CSA2 grade in favour of 1 CSA grade on one rate of pay and the reversal of ticket office closures.

Please make every effort to support a picket line on Monday.

Brixton – 0445 onwards

Paddington – 0500 

Kings Cross – 0445

London Bridge – 0500

Victoria – 0500

Talks continue to identity additional staffing needs

Talks are continuing as part of seven day review of staffing level. We've outlined need for more staff to meet key objectives: Staff in control rooms, safety and security in larger stations, reduce lone working and unstaffed local stations, improve roster balance.
LU have again stated that additional jobs can be created to meet these objectives. They will respond more fully on Friday.

A Message to you CSA

A message to you CSA

Baby sitting a station – what could possibly go wrong?

LUL – we haven't got a CSM for West Ham today
Please do some OT  CSA and keep Station open
Nothing will go wrong
We do it all the time
Sit in the Station Control Room, drink tea and pretend nothing's happening l
Don't go on the gate line
Leave gates open
You're a CSA
What could possibly go wrong?l

Say no to overtime - support the overtime ban - 0001hrs 23November 2016


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to call action and instruct ALL LUL STATION & REVENUE members NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME OR REST DAYS from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 until further notice.