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The RMT are to ballot tube workers at London Bridge and Waterloo stations in the dispute that has led to Lee Cornell being sacked and 2 other workers being given punitive sanctions.
The ballot will demand the reinstatement of Lee and the withdrawal of the punitive sanctions handed down to the 2 other workers.
The balloting period will commence on March 30 with ballot papers having to be returned by April 18
All station staff at these 2 busy Central London stations are being asked to vote YES for strike and YES for action short of to defend the London Bridge 3,
LUL have began to construct a smear campaign on our members at London Bridge with false statements that Kirsty Watts was not assaulted and Lee Cornell was not punched twice and had his glasses stolen.
A " source " at LUL have stated they have viewed the CCTV and the RMT are lying in what they are reporting.
We are not.
The facts of the case have always been laid out by the RMT and we have never tried to hide anything.
The fare evader doubled through the gate, when challenged by a CSA, he threatened and abused him. He tried to punch and head butt him. He pushed him hard in the chest causing the CSA to almost lose his balance.
This CSA has been found guilty of " provoking or inciting a violent incident "
The fare evader then ran towards Kirsty Watts and pushed her in her stomach.
She is pregnant.
Lee Cornell rushed to assist and was punched hed twice in the head and had his glasses nicked.
Lee reacted to get his property back. He pushed the fare evader into a wall, retrieved his glasses and walked away.
Dave Sharp was accused of assisting Lee Cornell to "slam the customer " into a wall
This couldn't have happened.
The CCTV shows Dave Sharp still at the gate line 6 seconds after he was supposed to have slammed the customer against the wall.
Saed Sioussi defused the situation on no less than 3 occasions. The CDI panel accepted his role was as a peace maker and his intentions were good.
They gave him a suspended dismissal. For defusing a potentially violent situation. On no less than 3 occasions.
London Underground give their staff a commitment that anyone who is the victim of assault and or abuse will be given full support and anyone who abuses or assaults their staff will be actively pursued through criminal and civil courts as necessary
The fare evader who assaulted 3 members of staff in November has never been apprehended.
Indeed London Underground have confirmed that they have never tried to ascertain the identity of this individual and they have never intended to nor do they intend to try to bring this person to justice.
Workplace justice must be seen to be done.
Workplace violence by aggressive customers must be pursued as vigorously as LUL have turned on their own staff.
Vote YES for action
Vote YES for action short of
Solidarity wins
- Eamonn Lynch's blog
- 3142 reads