
Report: RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee, 15 November 2017

The government's consultation on transport accessibility has extended its deadline to Wednesday 22 November. Anyone can submit their views. RMT has made a submission and leafleted everyone at the recent Disabled People's Summit asking them to submit evidence in support of retaining guards on trains. Details on how to submit are here.

Upcoming Events

Branch nominations are now being accepted for delegates to attend the folowing conferences:

The TUC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Conference which will be held at Congress House in June 2018 (date to be confirmed).

The British Trades Union Congress which will take place early to mid-September 2018 (date and location to be confirmed).

The TUC Disability Conference which will be held in Congress House on 17th and 18th May 2018.

TfL Pensions Fund Elections

TfL Pensions Fund Elections


Elections for the pensions Consultative committee


It’s that time again when there are elections for staff representatives to sit on the pensions committee to keep an eye on our money.


The voting paperwork is now out and the main thing is we need to get the right people on there with the experience and knowledge to look after our money in the proper way, and to keep an eye on what LUL and the government are trying to do with our fund.


Neasden Branch October Meeting - VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!

Due to a change of dates for the Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham fixture at Wembley Stadium, the function room at The Torch Pub is no longer available on Wednesday 25th October, so the meeting will now be held on TUESDAY 24TH OCTOBER at 16:00 instead.

Apologies for this 2nd change in date, but as you can appreciate this was completely out of our hands.

Nominations for Functional Positions will take place at this branch meeting so please make every effort to attend.

Branch Organising Day

Just a reminder that the Neasden Branch will be holding an organising event tomorrow morning (20th September) before the branch meeting. The day will commence at Harrow on the Hill at 11.00am, then move on to other locations in order to boost the union profile and to recruit new members. Please make every effort to attend.

Fit for the Future 325 Jobs Proposal: Reps Meeting 12 July



To all LUL Stations Industrial and H&S Representatives




Please be advised that management have agreed your release for attendance at a meeting of all Stations Reps for a FFtF Stations Update. .

The meeting will take place in the Boardroom, Unity House on Wednesday 12th July 2017 at 11:00 hours.

The report will be given by myself and your Stations Functional Council Representatives.