Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

RMT Tells London Underground: Withdraw Your Unsafe Procedure for Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground, asking this union to reconsider our industrial action on this issue [the Operational Effectiveness Programme]. We reaffirm that as London Underground has not withdrawn its plan to impose unsafe working practices for train drivers, our industrial action ballot continues, alongside the publicity campaign outlined in our previous decision.

We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LU, inviting the company to reconsider its imposition of unsafe working practices.

RMT Fights Back Against Imposition of Unsafe Procedures for Tube Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We also note the expressed view of our trains health and safety representatives that three particular aspects of London Underground’s ‘Operational Effectiveness Programme’ and are unacceptable and potentially dangerous. These are the proposed new procedures for: reversing a train; platform re-categorisation; and carrying passengers over a shunt signal. London Underground is now imposing Operational Standards Notice (OSN) 101 against the objections of our representatives.

Public Meeting: London Trade Unions Battle ConDem Cuts

A joint trade union meeting is being held in London to press the demand for a public sector general strike in the autumn. The meeting is being organized by the National Shop Stewards Network and will be attended by the RMT, Fire Brigades Union, Communication Workers Union and the Public and Commercial Sectors Union.

All our welcome.

The meeting will be held on Monday 18th July, 6.00pm at Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, W1T 6AQ. (Map).

Review of Industrial Disputes

RMT and London Underground agreed in May to an independent review of industrial disputes on the company. This review will be carried out by a professor of industrial relations. If reps or branches have information or views you would like to feed into this review, please email me RMT's General Grades Committee discussed the terms of reference of the review, and adopted the following report:

Referring to Decision Gww 14 June 2011, we have considered the draft terms of reference of the agreed review of industrial disputes between London Underground and RMT.

RMT Conference Endorses Mass Campaign and Industry Strike In Response To McNulty Assault On Railways

THE AGM of rail union RMT, meeting in Fort William this week, has endorsed plans for a massive national campaign, including a cross-industry strike ballot if necessary, to resist any attempts by the Government to roll out its McNulty Rail Review assault on Britain’s railways.

Victoria Line dispute: Progress so far not acceptable

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the letter from London Underground dated 27 May 2011 on this matter. Its content is not acceptable to our representatives, and by its own admission, it does not address all of our concerns. We continue to believe that there are serious safety concerns on the Victoria Line, and reaffirm our industrial action short of strikes.

We note that a further meeting with the company is to take place on this issue on 23 June. A report on this meeting is to be placed in front of us as soon as possible after this meeting.

Signals Grade Progression: RMT Responds to LU

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground.

It is disingenuous of LU to complain that this union has not used the ‘agreed machinery’ when during the period referred to there was no agreed machinery due to LUL’s withdrawal from it. Despite this, our reps have tried to maintain good industrial relations.

Furthermore, despite LUL’s claims, there are no agreed minutes available yet and our representatives have been requesting a director level meeting to discuss this matter.

Victoria Line Dispute Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and our representative, and are alarmed that London Underground intends to conduct trials from Seven Sisters to Walthamstow Central from May 30 despite our ongoing dispute over safety issues.