Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Industrial Relations Matters – Telent / MJ Quinns LU Contract

We note that following the resolution from our LU Engineering branch, a meeting has taken place with GGC members and representatives of our Telent/MJ Quinns members. We affirm the views of our representatives that the situation facing workers on this contract is intolerable, with bullying, inadequate pay, and management refusing to allow employees to take leave during the Olympic period.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT Confirms Timetable For Industrial Action Ballot On Tube Lines Over Pensions And Staff Travel

TUBE UNION RMT today confirmed the timetable on a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike on Tube Lines.

Ballot papers will be sent out to RMT members at Tube Lines, including ex-Alstom Stratford Market depot staff, on the 20th March with the ballot closing on the 16th April. RMT is calling for a massive yes vote for industrial action to back the union’s demand for equal pension and travel-pass rights.

RMT Announces Industrial Action Ballot On Tube Lines Over Pensions

RMT members at Tube Lines, including ex-Alstom Stratford Market depot staff, are to be balloted for industrial action to back the union’s demand for equal pension and travel-pass rights.

The union is demanding that all Tube Lines staff, including ex-Alstom staff at Stratford Market depot, be allowed to join the TfL Pension Scheme and receive the same travel concessions as those who work for LUL, including former Metronet staff.

TFL Ballot And LUL Dispute Over Olympics

RMT to ballot for action on TFL over Olympics ban on staff leave and declares dispute with London Underground over Olympics payments

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot for industrial action on TFL over a ban on staff leave for the duration of the Olympics and has also declared a formal dispute with London Underground over a failure to reach an agreement on Olympics recognition and reward payments for all LU staff.

Breakdown in Industrial Relations - Tube Lines DSM

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the detailed resolution from our LU Fleet branch concerning the situation in Tube Lines DSM (Distribution Services). We note that our branch has itemised specific incidents and events which it believes have led to an intolerable situation in the workplace, and requests a ballot for strike action and action short of strike.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. contact the employer immediately advising that we are in dispute and requesting an urgent meeting
  2. prepare a matrix for the industrial action ballot requested

RMT Tackles Breakdown of Industrial Relations at Tube Lines DSM

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the detailed resolution from our LU Fleet branch concerning the situation in Tube Lines DSM (Distribution Services). We note that our branch has itemised specific incidents and events which it believes have led to an intolerable situation in the workplace, and requests a ballot for strike action and action short of strike.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. contact the employer immediately advising that we are in dispute and requesting an urgent meeting
  2. prepare a matrix for the industrial action ballot requested

Fantastic Support From Staff And Public As RMT Kicks Off 48 Hour St Pancras Eurostar Cleaners Strike

Strike action by Initial cleaners at St Pancras International kicked off at 6am this morning with pickets out in force and rail union RMT reporting fantastic support from the public in the fight against poverty pay. Around seventy pickets and supporters have brought horns, drums and a carnival atmosphere to the London Eurostar terminal.

The workers have not had a pay increase for maintaining the opulent Eurostar terminal in four years and have been offered a pathetic 13 p taking them to £ 6.76 an hour, miles short of Boris Johnsons London living wage of £8.30 an hour.

RMT Demands Network Rail Investigation Into Strike-breaking Operation At St Pancras Eurostar Cleaning Company

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded an urgent Network Rail investigation into claims passed to the union by staff that the company at the heart of the St Pancras/Eurostar cleaners poverty pay dispute, Initial, is allegedly planning to utilise an “in house” agency to break the strike which is using Bulgarian and Romanian workers registered as self-employed with limited company status to avoid basic UK employment rights and to get round the agency worker regulations.

Overwhelming Votes For Action On Heathrow Express Over Sacking Of Driver And Victimisation Of RMT Activist

RAIL UNION RMT have confirmed that ballots for strike action and action short of a strike on Heathrow Express over the unfair dismissal of a driver member and over a campaign of harassment and victimisation against an RMT representative have returned overwhelming votes for action.

RMT to Circulate Update on OSN101 Dispute

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain an up-to-date report on the situation with this dispute, with a view to issuing a circular, and information to members, as soon as practical.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.