Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Carlisle Cleaning And Security Workers To Be Balloted For Industrial Action

No worker should be expected to live on an income of less than the London Living Wage

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. While we may be close to securing an acceptable offer on Olympic Reward and Recognition, we are appalled by Carlisle’s refusal to pay our cleaning and security members the London Living Wage. No worker should be expected to live on an income of less than the LLW, an amount calculated to meet only the ‘minimum acceptable quality of life’, currently set at only £8.30 per hour.

RMT To Ballot South West Trains Staff For Action As Company Reneges On Olympics Arrangements

At the same time as the RMT calls for London Underground to return to ACAS regarding the recent dispute over the union's interpretation of the 'Olympic agreement', South West Train members are heading toward Industrial action as bosses there renege on Olympic agreements.

RMT to ballot South West Trains staff

RAIL UNION RMT announced today that is to ballot staff on South West Trains for industrial action after the company reneged on Olympics agreements linked to this year’s pay settlement and attempted to impose a new regime that would force staff to work longer hours on extended services for nothing in return for the entire duration of the games.

Bob Crow Writes To London Underground Urging Talks At ACAS Regarding Service Control Dispute

"As a result of these outstanding issues and because we wish to negotiate an agreement on this dispute, I believe the best way forward is to hold talks at ACAS as a matter of urgency." - Bob Crow

Letter from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow to London Underground


Further to your letter dated 31st May 2012, please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you. We have been preparing a detailed response which is outlined below.

As advised yesterday my Service Control members voted overwhelmingly for strike action and action short of industrial action. Despite the contents of much of your letter, I must advise you that we still have a substantial number of concerns and we believe service control staff and our representatives continue to be mistreated by LUL. I shall answer each of the points on which we remain in dispute below: -

Tube Workers Vote For Action In Service Control Dispute

"This group of workers are absolutely key... the way that they have been treated by the management at a time when the system is under intense pressure is nothing short of shocking." - Bob Crow

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that key service control centre staff have voted overwhelmingly for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over jobs and conditions of service.

Proposals by London Underground regarding the move of Piccadilly Line Service Control to Hammersmith Service Control Centre have raised a range of union concerns that the management refuse to address:

  • The Wholesale job losses arising from the move to Hammersmith Service Control Centre
  • The Non-payment of the Service Operator 3 rate of pay

North East Transport Cleaners “rock Solid” In Strike Against Poverty Pay As RMT Steps Up Pressure On Labour-controlled Transport Authority

TRANSPORT UNION RMT said this morning that support from cleaners for a 48 hour strike against poverty pay and the victimisation of a colleague on the Tyne and Wear Metro, which started last night, is rock solid with pickets and protesters out in force at key points.

RMT To Ballot “Boris Bikes” Operational Staff For Action Over Olympics Reward And Working Conditions

"Despite an increasing workload this summer as we head towards the Olympics the staff running the London cycle hire scheme are facing a bullying management who are imposing outrageous changes to conditions" - Bob Crow

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot staff running the London “Boris Bike’s” for both strike action and action short of a strike over a range of grievances:

  1. Imposition of changes to working hours and shift patterns which have been unanimously rejected by our members.
  2. No offer of any financial reward for working during the Olympics, despite the big increased in workload and the Games’ organisers’ promotion of cycling during the event.
  3. The unfair and draconian attendance policy.

Arnos Grove Station Group Staffing Level Dispute Resolved

We note the report from our local representative, that the issue has been resolved, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary not to proceed with the previously-agreed ballot for industrial action.

We further instruct the General Secretary to obtain a more detailed report on the resolution of this dispute and place it in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.