Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Olympic Special Stations And Revenue Newsletter

The deal secured by your union guarantees the existing protection of the framework agreement. The RMT alone argued that we were already being asked to work hard enough without selling any hard won protection for a few quid. If you feel that you have been asked to work outside of this agreement or been treated unfavourably then advise your local RMT rep who will take it up immediately . Remember that the framework agreement is there for a reason, it protects our safety, welfare and future at work.You have a right and a responsibility to refuse any duty which breaks that agreement. Only a fool breaks the twelve hour rule.

...continue reading or download the newsletter below.

DLR And Tube Cleaners Solid In Support Of Strike Action In Fight For Fairness On Olympics Payments

Transport union RMT said today that DLR and tube cleaners working for Initial, ISS and Carlisle are rock solid in their support for strikes that started this morning for fair pay and Olympics recognition and reward.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"On the opening day of the Games the many millions enjoying the events around the globe must not forget the London transport cleaners on minimum pay rates doing some of the dirtiest jobs in often appalling conditions with no Olympics recognition and reward whatsoever.

Cleaners Strike Posters

Posters have been created for the upcoming cleaners strike.

Please place them in union noticeboards and distribute them as appropriate. You can download them both via the attachments below.

Read More about the cleaners struggle for a London Living Wage here.

Cleaners Strike Picket Lines

From RMT London Transport Regional Organiser Steve Hedley

Dear colleagues,

Cleaners and security guards some on as little as £6.09 per hour are fighting for a living wage and Olympic recognition payments.

There will be two days of strike action beginning on 0530 am on Friday 27th July. Three companies are in dispute Carlisle (cleaners and security) on the DLR, ISS and Initial cleaners on London Underground.

RMT Secures £680 Olympics Payment, Pay Increases And Harmonisation Upgrades For Rail Signalling Contractors

PLANNED INDUSTRIAL action at signalling technology contractor Thales has been halted as a result of a massive breakthrough on pay, harmonisation and Olympics payments secured by RMT negotiators on the back of a 95% vote for action amongst the members.

Following the overwhelming mandate for strike action RMT has now secured agreements covering harmonisation, pay, shift allowances and Olympics payments of up to £680.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

RMT Confirms Olympics Payments Action At South West Trains, TfL And Serco Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme

The Cycle Hire Scheme action is suspended following an offer - more details here.

The dates for the TfL action have been changed - more details here.

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today confirmed industrial action on South West Trains, Serco "Boris Bikes" and TFL in continuing disputes over Olympics recognition and reward.

Cleaners Protest At Stratford Station

RMT cleaners will be holding a protest joined by General Secretary Bob Crow outside of Stratford Station at midday on the day of the Olympic Opening Ceremony - 27th July.

Cleaners will be protesting for a London Living wage and Olympic Bonus. These are the workers who will be clearing up after up to a million extra passengers have travelled each day on London's public transport during the Olympic period.

TfL Members To Take Further Industrial Action On Day Of Olympic Opening Ceremony

Members in Oyster Business Support, Lost Property Office, London Transport Museum and the Travel Information Centres are: not to book on for any duty starting on or after 07:00 on Friday 27 July, returning to work for duties starting on or after 07:00 on Saturday 28 July

Members in the Travel Information Contact Centres based at Pier Walk and Albany House which are termed First Contact Telephony for Oyster, Surface, Buses and London Underground are to strike between the following hours: Friday 27 July 10:00- 12:00; Friday 27 July 21:00-23:00; Saturday 28 July 01:00-03:00

London Underground Members Vote For Action Short Of Strike To Prevent Casualisation Of Jobs During The Olympics And After

That we note the result of the ballot for action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast 1,954
Number voting “Yes” 1682 (86.3% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 267
Spoilt Papers 5

ISS Cleaners Show Determination To Fight For Better Pay And Conditions As Over 95% Vote Yes For Industrial Action

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes and action short of strikes are both as

Total votes cast 43
Number voting “Yes” 40 (95.2% of valid vote)
Number voting “No” 2
Spoilt Papers 1