LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Upfront H&S News May 2021

RMT Upfront H&S contains all the latest health and safety news for London Underground train drivers.

In this edition:

  • Management waking up to fatigue concerns

  • Bond Street CCTV trial creates more problems than it solves

  • Lateral Flow testing for Stock Training

Please download the attached newsletter for the latest information.


RMT to strike on polling day on London Underground

strike flag

RMT to strike on polling day on London Underground over victimisation and sacking of trade union rep Gary Carney

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has called a strike on the Central Line on May 6th over the victimisation and sacking of long-standing activist Gary Carney.

Members have already delivered a solid yes vote for strike action in this dispute over the unjustified dismissal of Brother Carney, an RMT Representative who has twenty-years unblemished service with the company.

RMT appalled by way LUL has acted over Night Tube “grade consolidation” plan

Dear Colleagues

RMT is appalled by the way London Underground has acted over Night Tube “grade consolidation”. Instead of accommodating those NT drivers who want to go full time, they attempt to do away with the grade completely and impose Night Tube shifts on the TO21 drivers.

London Underground management have told us that they are desperate for drivers. Night Tube drivers are fully trained up and many of them are eager to begin a full-time role. The solution therefore is simple: those Night Tube drivers who want to be full time should be promote as a matter of urgency.

RMT Upfront April 2021: make NT drivers full time

- Please download the attached newsletter to read the full article.

Shortly after the Covid crisis started the RMT recognised that some changes to working practices would be inevitable.

The national union made it clear to the Government, London Underground and the train operating companies that although we would work with them, any variation to agreements would need to be time-limited to the period of the pandemic.

Ballot success at Queens Park


I write further to my previous Circular (IR/128/21, 31st March 2021), concerning the above matter. The ballot has concluded, and the result is as follows: -

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Strike dates announced; ballot results show depth of anger towards unwarranted dismissal of Brother Carney

23rd April 2021

Dear Colleagues,


I write further to my previous Circular (IR/128/21, 31st March 2021), concerning the above matter. The ballot has concluded, and the result is as follows: -

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Bond Street CCTV trial update

Dear Colleague


Your RMT National Executive Committee (NEC) met on 13th April 2021 to discuss the following resolution from RMT Jubilee South Branch:

This branch is very concerned about the unsafe PTI CCTV operating at Bond Street Southbound platform. London Underground is running a ‘trial’ of new cameras with three sectors per monitor. These images are much smaller than what was previously shown on our in-cab monitors, which are already the smallest monitors on the network.

Meeting: Defend Gary Carney

Dear Colleagues

As you will know, Vaughan Thomas of Trains Functional Council has advised you all of a zoom meeting organised for this Friday 16th April at 11.15 hours in order to address Gary Carney’s dismissal situation.  The purpose of this message is to urge all representatives to try and attend and thus ensure maximum turnout. I would also like to make known to you details of the National Executive Committee’s decision on this matter giving rise to this meeting.

Jubilee Line rejects CCTV trial

London Underground have announced their decision to implement a month long trial of new in-cab monitor images showing six segments at Bond Street Southbound platform. RMT reps objected strenuously to this idea. We believe London Underground’s plan increases risk and is worse than we had before at Bond Street. Management refused to consider our concerns and have pushed ahead with their plans to implement these changes and announced that Finchley Road southbound is next.