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17th of March
Dear Colleagues,
I write further to the previous Circular IR/081/21, 25th February 2021, to update branches on the developments on the above matter. London Underground were informed of members overwhelming vote for industrial action which demonstrates the depth of feeling that exists amongst their staff on adopting a new way of working without adequate training or effective support. Rather than deal with the issues at hand London Underground have sought a legal challenge on the nature of the planned industrial action.
Your National Executive Committee has noted the legal challenge and the legal advice obtained by your union. Your NEC has recorded their disgust that the legitimate concerns of members for the safe operation of the railway are being ignored. Management prefers to rely on the UK's Draconian anti-union laws than to engage with their Train Operators and RMT Reps to find a solution to the problem of training for ATO during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Having noted the legal advice provided, your NEC has no alternative but to call off the planned industrial and instruct members to work normally. I have been instructed to obtain further legal advice that would enable your NEC to instruct for a re-ballot of members on this matter with the firmest possible legal footing.
Your union remains in dispute with London Underground over this issue and we will be doing everything possible to ensure that members' safety is not compromised by the introduction of new work practices without adequate training and support.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our District Train Operators on their commitment and support for the union during the dispute.
I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary
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