Regional Council policy

The policies of the Regional Council, decided by resolutions passed at Regional Council meetings

Resolution:Mentoring New Reps

The following resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was was passed unanimously.

The London Transport Regional Council is to introduce a formal and recognized mentor system for all newly elected reps from 2012 onwards This will enable them to be at their most effective and confident during their first year in office, and onwards into the future.

Oppose The Cuts-carried at Regional Council meeting on May 26th 2011

This Resolution submitted by LU Fleet and amended by Piccadilly and District west was carried at the Regional council meeting on 26th May

Oppose the Cuts.

This Region opposes:

·The vicious attacks by the ConDem government on public services and working class people.

·The idea that public services should be cut in order to bail out the banks.

·Privatization and cuts to public services, whether NHS, education, civil service, transport industry or local authority, and will resist them.

This Region believes:


Resolution: Young Members Advisory Committee – Basis of Representation

This resolution submitted by Neasden branch was carried unanimously by the March metting of the Regional Council:

This Regional Council notes the formation of the Young Members Advisory Committee, as per clause 1 of rule 12D.

This branch also notes the inconsistency of the basis of representation between the Young Members advisory committee (1 per region) and the other equal rights advisory committees, governed by rule 12A (5 Per Region).

Resolution: London Underground "Rainbow" Attendance Process

This resolution submitted by Neasden branch was carried unanimously by the March metting of the Regional Council:

That this LRTC notes with concern LU’s demand that some staff must meet a 96% attendance level.

This 96% attendance level has been explained as a part of a ‘Rainbow’ process and has been used against RMT members to threaten further action up to and including medical termination.

Resolution: Dispute review

This resolution, submitted by Finsbury Park branch, was carried unanimously by the February meeting of the Regional Council:

This branch calls for a delegation from the EC to undertake a thorough review of the recent dispute regarding the job cuts and scrutiny of the decision making process: - who made those decisions and on whose authority including when were decisions made. The results of the review will be made available and if required recommendations made for any future disputes will be sought. This review should take place at the end of the dispute.

Solidarity with the Egyptian revolution

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and amended by Stratford no.1 branch and LU Engineering branch, was passed unanimously by the February meeting to the Regional Council:

Region notes:

Egyptians have taken to the streets, braving bullets and tanks to fight for change, freedom and social justice.

Region believes:

That there can be no real change until the rule of dictator Hosni Mubarak is swept away and all his cronies go with him.