Regional Council policy

The policies of the Regional Council, decided by resolutions passed at Regional Council meetings

Arwyn Thomas-Regional Council 26th May

The following Emergency Resolution submitted by LU Engineering was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 26th May.

This region is appalled on the betrayal of the deal regarding Arwyn and their refusal to dis- cuss reinstatement. We call on the GGC to ballot all members in this region for strike ac- tion and action short of strike. Also, any action to be maintained until Arwyn is reinstated

Resolution on "General Strike"-Regional Council 26th May

Camden No 3-General Strike

This Region Urges the General Secretary discusses with other Union General Secretaries to organise and name a day for a one day General Strike to oppose public expenditure cuts and cuts in pensions

Update: Council of Executives decision in reponse to this resolution: "That we continue to pursue our policy of coordinated action."

London Underground Pay-Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by East Ham branch was carried at the Regional Council meeting on May 26th.

This Regional Council already has policy that RMT should name a figure that the union aspires to achieve for this year’s pay award. We now resolve that this figure should be 6.5% (ie. February RPI+1%) or £2,500 whichever is higher. We feel that this would give greater benefit to the low paid grades whilst still being reasonable for the higher paid Grades.

LU Company Council Representation- Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by LU Fleet branchand was carried at the May 26th Meeting of the Regional Council

Under the new machinery,the RMT only has 3 Reps allowed to attend the LUCC,at the moment this consists of I Train Operator Rep,1 Stations Rep and a full time officer.

Due to LU Fleet and LU Engineering sections now coming under this machinery,this branch feels that the representation balance is now not right.

Reps Roles and responsibilities Resolution-Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by Finsbury Park branch and amended by Stratford No 1 was carried at the May 26th Meeting of the Regional Council.

This Branch believes that our union should be striving to be as strong and effective as possible, in order to be able to do its job of defending and advancing the interests of its members.The Region further believes that local reps are vital to the process of building and strengthening the union, being as they are the face of the union in the workplace and the first port of call for members with problems.

London Underground pay

The following emergency resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was passed unanimously:

This Region is appalled by London Underground's below-inflation, five-year pay 'offer', with no commitment to improving conditions. Our union must reject this insult, and fight as effectively as possible for a much better, preferably one-year offer.

Resolution:Hardship Payments

The following resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was passed unanimously.


“This Regional Council notes and congratulates the GGC's ballot of all train drivers on London Underground over the victimisations of Bro's Thomas and Lynch. Given the amount of strike action taken by our members in the last 8 months we agree that if any strike action is called by the national union then the Council of Executives should make hardship payments to our members concerned.”

Resolution:Co-ordinated Strike Action

The Following resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was passed unanimously.

Co-ordinated Strike Action

“This Regional Council requests that the General Secretary writes to other trade unions who are in dispute with a view to coordinating strike action across union's and sectors with our dispute on London Underground over the victimisations of Bro's Thomas and Lynch.”