
Defending and extending your pension rights

RMT to ballot all ABM cleaner members for Strike Action


That we note the report from our Lead Officer following the meeting with our ABM union representatives; and that no movement on any of our matters raised have been addressed by the company. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that we are in dispute over their failure to provide free staff travel, a company wide sick pay scheme
or decent company pension.

TfL Pension Consultative Committee: vote Sister Parry

That we note the endorsement from our London Transport Regional Council of Sister Jamie Parry for the pending election to the TfL Pension Consultative Committee
Section 2.

This NEC endorses Sister Parry, and instructs the General Secretary to inform all RMT members eligible to vote in the Section 2 election for the TfL Pension Consultative Committee, and render Sister Parry, TfL No 1 Branch and the London Transport Regional Council every reasonable assistance in this important election.

Members to be advised by email and text.

TfL Pensions Fund Elections

TfL Pensions Fund Elections


Elections for the pensions Consultative committee


It’s that time again when there are elections for staff representatives to sit on the pensions committee to keep an eye on our money.


The voting paperwork is now out and the main thing is we need to get the right people on there with the experience and knowledge to look after our money in the proper way, and to keep an eye on what LUL and the government are trying to do with our fund.


Trains Management Update

Your reps met again with the company on Wednesday (23/11/16), where we finally were given answers to some of the many questions we raised at the start of October. The discussions centred around the impact on our members, particulary the issues of pay, pensions and severence.

Significant win for Tube Lines members

The RMT have achieved a significant victory in the Tube Lines Pay, Pensions and Night Tube disputes. A good pay deal has been secured, as well as pension parity for all Tube Lines members.  This long running dispute has been won because of the hard work of RMT activists and representatives.

The letter below from General Secretary Mick Cash outlines the dispute, and the full deal is attached.

In Solidarity,

John Leach

London Transport Regional Organiser

Letter from General Secretary 

RMT Tube Lines members vote by massive majority for action in Night Tube pay and pensions dispute

Tube union RMT confirmed today that a ballot of Tube Lines maintenance and engineering staff over Night Tube, pay and pensions has recorded an overwhelming vote for action.

Over 85% voted for strike action with an even larger majority for action short of a strike.

TfL ends suspension of pension 'transfers-in' following ongoing RMT pressure

I refer to my previous Circular NP/076/14, 11th April 2014, the RMT has been informed that the suspension of transfers-in from external pension sources has now ended. This will mean that from 1st April 2016 members of the TfL Pension Fund who have deferred (frozen) pension benefits are now able to consider transferring them into the TfL Pension Fund to buy extra pension benefits.

While the decision to transfer rests entirely with the individual member this is good news that members will again have this option.