
Defending and extending your pension rights

RMT demands full disclosure of TFL Financial Sustainability Plan

strike flag

LONDON TRANSPORT UNION RMT today wrote to London Mayor Sadiq Khan demanding that he come clean on what plans TfL are putting to the government in order to secure more funding in March. 

As part of the deal made at the end of last year, Sadiq Khan agreed to submit to the DfT proposals for returning the body to ‘financial sustainability’ following the devastation of its finances by the Covid-19 pandemic. This plan was submitted to the DfT yesterday but unions have not yet seen them.

TfL pension proposals "an outrageous attack on our members retirement expectations"

Dear Colleague,


The RMT are advised that the Commissioner for TfL on 11th December 2020 announced the publication of an Independent Panel Review of TfL which recommends that a commission is established to review the TfL Pension Fund.

RMT responds to 'independent panel' report on TfL finances


“That we note the report from our lead officer.

The report of the so-called “independent Panel” is a disgraceful document that seeks to justify imposing job cuts, transport service cuts and additional taxation onto the working class of London. RMT rejects the report entirely and demands that the mayor immediately does the same and undertakes not to act on any of the report’s findings.

Government proposes savage cuts on London Underground and Overground

TRANSPORT UNION RMT has revealed today that the Government proposes savage cuts on London Underground and Overground in spite of the high productivity levels of its workers.

The proposed cuts are part of an austerity package being demanded by the Government in exchange for a 6 month period of ‘workplace reform’ including a return to the idea of ‘driverless trains’ and an attack on workers’ pension schemes.

TfL pension fund annual general meeting

Dear Colleagues,


At a time of economic uncertainly due to the current world health crisis it has never been more important that workers continue to protect and where possible improve their terms and conditions.

Part of these members' terms and conditions are pensions and while there are many of our members facing an uncertain future this union is committed to continue protect our members deferred pay.

Jubilee South News October 2019: ABM Cleaners' Ballot Special

Jubilee South branch have produced a special newsletter as part of our efforts to build the ABM Tube cleaners' ballot. Cleaners are being balloted in a fundamental fight for free staff travel, decent pensions and sick pay.

 In this edition:

  • ABM Cleaners Prepare to Fight Back
  • For Pensions, Sick Pay And Free Travel

  • The Law and taking strike action

  • Free Staff Travel

  • Company sick pay

  • Decent pensions

  • Ballot to win justice begins

RMT to begin balloting ABM cleaners

Dear Colleagues,


A dispute situation was declared by the National Executive Committee over the company's failure to provide free staff travel, a company-wide sick pay scheme and a decent company pension (Ref: IR/240/19, 13th June 2019).

No progress on these matters has been achieved, despite the best efforts of our representatives and negotiators. Therefore, notice of a ballot of all RMT members at the company was served on ABM this week and the ballot opens on Monday 28th October 2019 and closes on Tuesday 19th November 2019.

RMT out organising with ABM Cleaners

Report on ABM Tube Cleaners RMT Ballot Campaign Activities

*Workplace Visits*

Today we visited cleaner members & non members on the North End of the Bakerloo Line, the South End of the Northern Line & Acton Town Depot

Cleaners were leafleted, the importance of a strong YES vote in the ballot was explained, a non-member was joined into the union & members were put into the RMT Cleaners WhatsApp.

*Organising Meeting*

ABM Cleaners' ballot organising meeting

To all LUL Region Branches

Dear Colleagues


As you know we are balloting our ABM members for strike action to secure Staff Travel, proper Sick Pay and a decent Pension for all.

The ballot opens this Monday 28th October with a closing date of Tuesday 19th November 2019. Myself and our National Executive Committee member, Andy Littlechild are calling a meeting for all Branch Secretaries and Chairs on Monday 28th October commencing at 14.00 hours in Unity House.