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Jubilee South branch have produced a special newsletter as part of our efforts to build the ABM Tube cleaners' ballot. Cleaners are being balloted in a fundamental fight for free staff travel, decent pensions and sick pay.
In this edition:
- ABM Cleaners Prepare to Fight Back
For Pensions, Sick Pay And Free Travel
The Law and taking strike action
Free Staff Travel
Company sick pay
Decent pensions
Ballot to win justice begins
RMT General Secretary writes to all cleaners
It is crucial that we get a great turn out in this election. ABM cleaners in our branch and across the job are ready to fight back and say enough is enough.
You can do your bit by encouraging your fellow ABM Tube cleaners to return their vote. If you discover ABM cleaners who aren't RMT members, encourage them to join us.
Please download and distribute the attached newsletter and print it out and display it in your workplace where your ABM colleagues will see it.
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