
Defending and extending your pension rights

RMT Pushes For Above Inflation Pay Rise, Olympic Bonus, Improved Pensions and Better Benefits For Initial Cleaners

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and welcome his actions in tabling a claim for an above-inflation pay rise, free travel passes, a full sick pay scheme, improved pensions and an Olympics bonus. We agree to his recommendation that should Initial not respond positively to the Olympics claim within 7 days and the other claims within 14 days, we intend to declare this union in dispute with this company in line with the wishes of our representatives.

RMT Confirms Timetable For Industrial Action Ballot On Tube Lines Over Pensions And Staff Travel

TUBE UNION RMT today confirmed the timetable on a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike on Tube Lines.

Ballot papers will be sent out to RMT members at Tube Lines, including ex-Alstom Stratford Market depot staff, on the 20th March with the ballot closing on the 16th April. RMT is calling for a massive yes vote for industrial action to back the union’s demand for equal pension and travel-pass rights.

RMT Announces Industrial Action Ballot On Tube Lines Over Pensions

RMT members at Tube Lines, including ex-Alstom Stratford Market depot staff, are to be balloted for industrial action to back the union’s demand for equal pension and travel-pass rights.

The union is demanding that all Tube Lines staff, including ex-Alstom staff at Stratford Market depot, be allowed to join the TfL Pension Scheme and receive the same travel concessions as those who work for LUL, including former Metronet staff.

RMT to Fight for Tube Lines Passes and Pensions

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

Further to our decision GWW 15th February 2012 we have received a report from the Lead Officer dated 23rd February 2012 and two additional reports both dated 29th February 2012. These reports arise from unanimous decisions of our meeting of 30 representatives attended by the Lead Officer and Assistant General Secretary on 10th February 2012.

The General Secretary is instructed as follows:

Future Pension Provision & Free Travel Facilities For Tube Lines Staff

As you will recall from my previous Circular (No LUL/15/10, 16th May 2011) I highlighted the disparity in regards to the terms and conditions of those employees who were TUPE transferred from Alstom Metro Trains, Stratford Market Depot, to Tube Lines (TL) compared to those former Metronet employees who have been fully integrated into LUL.

RMT reaction to Hutton Pension Review

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow says the Hutton Review will be "the spark that lights the blue touch paper of co-ordinated strike action". Bob Crow said:

"We have seen this week that gold-plated bonuses and pensions for the bankers and speculators who caused this crisis are still the order of the day while those slogging their guts out making this country tick are lined up for a kicking by Lord Hutton and the ConDems."