
Defending and extending your pension rights

Solidarity Amongst Tube Lines Members In Industrial Action Leads To Cancellation Of Tube Engineering Works

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I refer to my previous letter of 26th October 2012, as a result the solidarity and determination you have shown in pursuing your claim to have the same pension and travel rights as other LUL workers, I wish to bring to your attention the effect your action is having on planned engineering work this coming week end 3rd and 4th November 2012.

Tube Lines Members To Strike At Beginning Of November Over Pension & Passes Dispute

We note the correspondence giving the views of the strike committee formed by our Tube Lines reps.

In line with this, we instruct our Tube Lines members to take industrial action as follows:

  • Not to book on for any shift starting on or after 06:00 on Thursday 1 November, resuming to shifts starting after 05:59 on Friday 2 November.
  • Not to work overtime at any time between 06:00 on Thursday 1 November and 06:00 on Monday 5 November.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • send a personal letter by post to the members involved

Tube Lines Members To Strike Again In Fight For A Decent Pension

This action has been altered - the latest strike details are here.

We note the correspondence giving the views of the strike committee formed by our Tube Lines reps.

In line with this, we instruct our Tube Lines members to take industrial action as follows:

  • Not to book on for any shift starting on or after 06:00 on Friday 2 November, resuming to shifts starting after 05:59 on Saturday 3 November.
  • Not to work overtime at any time on Saturday 3 November.

Letter To Tube Lines Members Regarding Industrial Action On Pensions & Passes Dispute

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I refer to my previous letter of 28th September 2012 in support of Tube Line members’ demands for equal pension and travel benefits. As you will recall the RMT General Grades Committee requested support for an overtime ban over the weekend of 5 th to 8th October 2012. I am pleased to inform you that this action was well observed by RMT members.

So that our members’ demands are met in full the General Grades Committee has considered further action and request that you support the following action:

Bob Crow Explains Tube Lines Pensions And Travel Concessions Dispute As Members Take Industrial Action

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to regarding those Tube Lines employees who are being denied access to TfL Pension Fund (TfLPF) and the same travel facilities as other TfL workers. As you will be aware earlier this year union members employed by Tube Lines were balloted for pension and travel equality and as a result returned a massive yes vote in support of industrial action.

it is clear that management are not going to move on pensions or address the claim in full on travel. I therefore wish to inform you that with effect from 17.30 hours Friday 5th October 2012 until 05.30 hours Monday 8th October 2012 that the RMT General Grades Committee has instructed Tube Lines members not to work any overtime.

Tube Lines RMT Representatives Call For Further Industrial Action In Pension Dispute

We note the failure of the Joint Working Party to achieve our demands of pensions and travel equality, and the desire of our representatives to take further industrial action. This is in line with our previous decision of 27 July to call targeted, serious, sustained, effective and strategically-planned action, in pursuit of this dispute. Should Tube Lines continue to refuse our entirely justified demands, we are prepared to take further industrial action and to continue this campaign until we are successful.

Tube Lines Pensions Dispute Continues

We note the report from our lead officer and the views of our representatives that there is strong support to take action in pursuit of this dispute following the Olympics. In line with these views, we intend to call targeted, serious, sustained, effective and strategically-planned action, to include both strikes and action short of strike.

RMT Calls For Disinvestment By London Transport Pension Fund From Semperian PPP/PFI Outfit

REPRESENTATIVES OF tube union RMT on the London Transport pension fund have called for disinvestment from Semperian PPP after it emerged that one of their subcontractors on the Great Western Hospital PFI contract in Swindon, Carillion, has been involved in a long-running dispute with sister union GMB over racial abuse, bullying and extortion.

Pay, Pensions & Olympic Bonus For Telent MJ Quinn Members At London Underground Discussed With Bosses

No member had received an inflationary based increase despite the fact that the company is in profit

Senior Assistant General Secretary, Mick Cash, and other representatives from this union met with Telent on 12th June 2012 to address your union’s ongoing concerns.

Railway Pension Scheme
Your union would like to reduce the amount that members must pay towards their pensions and have asked the company to assist in this endeavour by putting in a lump sum.