RMT continues push for compensation for leapfrogged Night Tube drivers
Submitted by Admin on 1 December, 2017 - 21:19Movements Committee Director's Meeting Update
News and updates on LU's plan to scrap the Night Tube grade.
Movements Committee Director's Meeting Update
On 15 September, TfL announced a restructuring of London Overground to reduce staff, close ticket offices, and run overnight service. This is on top of plans already afoot to withdraw Overground staff from Underground stations outside weekday peak hours.
These proposals will obviously have an impact on London Underground stations which interchange with London Overground, so RMT is insisting to LUL that it tells the union the details and discusses potential issues. Make sure that you talk to your RMT rep or go to your branch meeting to voice your concerns.
Called to a Local Disciplinary Interview? Or a case conference? Got a meeting with management to discuss your Flexible Working application? Or your grievance? Make sure that an RMT representative comes with you!
Sometimes, Night Tube staff think that the union can not provide them with a representative because of Night Tube working hours. But the union can and will.
RMT Newsnight is news and information for Night Tube staff. In this edition:
Please distribute in your workplace, and share online.
Dear all Drivers,
It recently became evident that Full Time and Night Tube Train Driver's had being Leap-frogged by other Night Tube Train Driver's and Full Time Driver's and the majority of this was from external Driving staff through the school.
TUBE UNION RMT warned today that the Night Tube on the Piccadilly line is in crisis with a serious lack of trained train operators available to run the service.
RMT has been informed that the amount of drivers available to run the Mayor’s flagship Night Tube service on the Piccadilly Line is now so low that last weekend saw only 7 trains running instead of the normal 22 – a near reduction of 70%. The union understands that the situation could continue until Christmas.
Newsnight is the newsletter for Night Tube workers.
In this edition:
- London Bridge 3 ballot - vote yes
- Night Tube drivers win
- Working Nights? Know your rights!
- New station staff Jobs - what's in in for us?
Please download and distribute the attached newsletter in your workplace, or share it online with your colleagues.
RMT announces victory for justice over Night Tube drivers’ career progression.
TUBE UNION RMT has called off strike action and heralded a victory for justice for Night Tube drivers as LUL agreed to end the practice of preventing them from moving into vacant full-time positions for a period of at least 18 months. All other staff, including part-time Night Tube Station Staff had been eligible to apply, but Night Tube Train Operators were not.
TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that Night Tube drivers have voted overwhelmingly for both strike action and action short of a strike over a block on career progression which has been imposed by London Underground.
Members voted by over 96% for strike action and by over 98% for action short of a strike.
The results of the ballot will now be considered by RMT’s executive committee who will decide the next course of action.
Constructive and good natured talks took place this morning at Baker Street between LUL and the Movement's committee over Night Tube Driver's going Full Time.
We provided a number of constructive suggestions to the Director and his colleagues to slove the dispute including nominations being called by date of nomination order and additionally we looked at ways Night Tube Driver's could be called before 18 month's.