TFL Olympics Strike Action On As Bosses Refuse ACAS Talks

STAFF WORKING directly for Transport for London will go ahead with strike action on Sunday over the total and abject failure of the organisation to offer any kind of recognition and reward for the huge increase in workload and pressure arising from the extended Olympics period and for attempting to impose changes to working conditions and a unilateral ban on annual leave in some departments.

RMT Platform June 2012

In June's edition:

  • RMT Stands Up For Agency Staff on LU Stations
  • Your Station and Revenue Grades Committee
  • ICSAs: Vote ‘Yes’ for Safety and Job Security!
  • Stick Within the Framework!
  • Wheelchair Ramps
  • Assisting Passengers With Luggage

Service Control Offer Considered by Reps

Today all RMT Service Control reps from across Service Control in London Underground met to discuss the final offer that LU and RMT had been negotiating all this week at ACAS.

The reps felt that the final offer made after much negotiating and fighting was a solid victory for all members and for everyone that works in service control, they also felt we had all achieved something un-heard of in London Underground... A guaranteed "Lifetime Protection of Earnings" in writing from LU!!

Transport Bosses Average £1 Million Pay

Deepest in the trough was National Express boss Ray O’Toole, whose 110 per cent pay hike took him to £1.3 million.

The bosses of the ‘big five’ private transport operators have pocketed an average £1 million each in pay, bagging an aggregate pay rise worth a shade shy of 20 per cent, according to their most recent company accounts, a study by transport union RMT reveals today.

As bus and rail passengers face fares hikes of a minimum of six per cent and service cuts, the news that transport bosses have followed the city trend to give themselves bumper pay packages will be greeted with anger and dismay, the union says.

RMT To Ballot All London Underground Staff For Action Short Of A Strike Over Use Of Unqualified Staff In Safety Critical Roles

TUBE UNION RMT announced today that it is to ballot all London Underground members for action short of a strike over the issue of the company using ill-trained and unqualified Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSA’s) to make up minimum numbers at stations.

RMT has warned that not only is the policy dangerous but it is also in breach of the 2008 agreement that ended the casualisation dispute. The issue will be particularly relevant over the Olympics period when unprecedented numbers of people will be using the tube

Durham Miner's Gala 2012

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I am writing to remind you about this year’s Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival and Durham Miners’ Gala taking place in a few weeks time.

The date of this year’s Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival is the weekend of 13-15 July. This is an excellent and very popular event commemorating some of the pioneers of trade unionism. The procession and rally will take place on the Sunday 15 July.

RMT Turns To TUC Over Recognition Dispute At Boris Bikes, Whilst Battle For A Fair Olympic Payment Continues

RMT response on Serco "Boris bikes" Olympics payment.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"There is no Olympics payment agreement for the vast majority of the Serco bikes staff who are members of the RMT and we remain in dispute with the company.

"RMT is by far the biggest union on the Boris bikes and regardless of what others might be saying the issue of recognition is being dealt with by the TUC disputes procedure and we are continuing to both recruit and to fight for a fair deal for the Serco Barclays workforce for the Olympics and beyond."

No settlement on "Boris Bikes" Olympics payments - Dispute With Main Union RMT Continues

General Secretary Bob crow said:

"There is no Olympics payment agreement for the vast majority of the Serco bikes staff who are members of the RMT and we remain in dispute with the company.

"RMT is by far the biggest union on the Boris bikes and regardless of what others might be saying the issue of recognition is being dealt with by the TUC disputes procedure and we are continuing to both recruit and to fight for a fair deal for the Serco Barclays workforce for the Olympics and beyond. "