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Transport Commissioner Peter Hendy says: ‘every member of our 30,000 staff will play an important role in achieving the significant and unique challenges ahead’. But not every one deserves job security and a cash reward, apparently!
RMT’s Executive says ‘that all grades of transport employees are entitled to a decent financial reward for their efforts transporting huge numbers of passengers during the Olympics and are entitled to take leave during the summer, and that working conditions and important agreements should not and need not be attacked in order to facilitate Olympic running.’
This newsletter reports to you on what London’s transport workers have won so far through our union, RMT, and urges you to support the battles that we still have to wage. In other words, we have won some medals already, but there are several events still to go! Our aim is not just to get a payout, but to prevent
employers using the Olympics as a pretext to weaken our rights at work. We can expect that after the Games, management will try to cut jobs, and we need to be ready to stop them.
Our workmates on the buses have taken solid strike action to demand a decent Olympic settlement, and if we stand together, we can demand justice for all London’s transport workers.
Janine Booth, London Transport region representative, RMT Executive
You can read decisions made by our Executive Member here
"Together we can win better pay, terms and conditions - and send a clear message to Management that we will not be bullied." - RMT rep - Travel Information Centre
Transport For London
Transport for London is refusing to pay all its staff an Olympic reward, restricting annual leave and pressuring staff to ‘volunteer’ for roles outside their normal duties. While all TfL’s trade unions object to this, only RMT is taking industrial action to secure a better deal. Support your workmates!
STRIKE: Do no book on for any duties starting after 21:30 on Sunday 1 July, returning to duties starting after 21:30 on Monday 2 July.
PICKET/PROTEST: Monday 2 July, 06:30 outside Victoria Travel Information Centre; 08:30-10:00 outside Windsor House.
OVERTIME BAN: From 19:00 on Sunday 8 July until 19:00 on Sunday 15 July, do not work any overtime (including rest day working); work to contracted hours only.
More on TfL Here.
Fully-Trained Station Staff Count!
London Underground wants to keep stations open with below-minimum staff numbers, by counting Incident
Customer Service Assistants towards the total. ICSAs are not fully trained or qualified; they are admin staff given brief training and a Hi Vi. RMT opposes this, as it:
- puts passengers and staff at risk, especially at busy times eg the Olympics
- undermines station staff,threatening future staffing levels and job security
- is unfair on the ICSAs, who are being press-ganged into these roles
- threatens all grades: how long before LUL introduces Incident Train Operators, Incident Line Controllers, or Incident Anything Else?
Minimum numbers were affirmed after 31 people died in the 1987 King’s Cross fire. In 2008, LUL agreed that minimum staffing levels count only ‘London Underground station staff fully trained, qualified, licensed and familiarised to a minimum of CSA level’.
Now LUL wants to turn the clock back. Why? So it can cut jobs after the Games, to staff the Tube with a
small core of permanent staff supplemented by floating extras. RMT is determined to resist this dangerous policy, so is balloting all London Underground members - not for strikes, but for ‘action short of strikes’, so that you can refuse to cooperate with LUL’s recklessness. RMT will still talk with LUL and TfL, and will run a high-profile political and industrial campaign to defend safe staffing levels.
Read More on the Stations & Revenue section of the site.
Your Reps Report
"The Olympics will bring extreme turns and passenger numbers for station staff, who are already worked to breaking point in understaffed stations" - Becky Crocker
Duty allocation has now taken place on stations in line with the framework agreement. Extra licensed duties over and above minimum numbers which haven’t been filled are to be covered using overtime, RCIs, SRT & ICSAs. Any problems that arise where potential breaches occur, please tell your local RMT rep, and functional council representatives will take it up.
Malcolm Taylor, Staff Side Secretary, Stations & Revenue Council
Following many months of talks and hard work, we have agreed rosters and guidance for RCIs for Olympics working, without compromising our hard-won agreements. That's what comes from sticking together in a principled trade union - RMT! If you have any questions or problems, contact your reps.
Paul Schindler, RMT Stations & Revenue Council Rep
RMT’s stance has protected our agreements and driving parameters. Despite ASLEF attempting to interfere in the process of allocating duties, our reps have been involved and protected our members.
Brian Munro, RMT rep, Trains Council
Everyone wants the Olympics to be a success and this will be one of the most commercial ever. Yet some of our engineering members, vital to the smooth running of the Games, are excluded. They are making huge sacrifices to deliver contractual response and fix times. It is time to recognise those unrecognised
engineers who work in the background on the Tube making sure you get from A to B and back.
Paul Jackson, Secretary, RMT LU Engineering Branch
After many months of discussions we stopped management’s plan to force large numbers of fleet staff to work at LU’s whim for 9 weeks this summer. Fleet staffare now being asked to volunteer and being paid better rates when working different shifts. It proves that by being in the only fighting union on the Tube,
we can stand together and stop LU’s bully boy practices.
Tony Carter Leah, CHair, RMT LU Flett branch
Service Control staff are being paid a bonus for no additional duties or breaches of framework. After months of tedious talks, this is a good result.
Peter Hayes, RMT rep, Service Control Council
"Service Control staff are being paid a bonus for no additional duties or breaches of framework. After months of tedious talks, this is a good result. - Peter Hayes, RMT rep, Service Control Council"
Within MATS grades, LU seem to think they will meet no resistance. We proved them wrong in the OSP strikes. During the Olympics, if you are asked to carry out duties beyond your remit and licence, remember you can say no. No NOL staff (trainers) should have to work night shifts alone if they don’t feel confident to carry out the duty manager role. Contact your RMT MATS rep for advice.
Ray Carey, RMT Managers, Admin, Technical & support (MATS)
The Olympics is on the horizon and we all of course wish it to be a success. All stations by now should have reviewed all CCEPs and risk assessments, and staffing levels should be in place. There will be a special Safety Council newsletter with important advice, reminder of rules and contact details and a Council rota a few days before the Games.
Ross Marshall, Staff Side Secretary, Stations & Revenue Control H&S Council
The Olympics will bring extreme turns and passenger numbers for station staff, who are already worked to breaking point in understaffed stations. We must be on the alert, as although the Framework Agreement is not suspended or changed for the Games, management may try to find ways round it to avoid station closures.
Becky Crocker, Chairperson, RMT Station & Revenue Grades Committee
Enjoy the few quid you will earn as a bonus, but prepare for future battles to defend our jobs, conditions and union. In every area we must build our membership and links with rank-and-file members of ASLEF and TSSA, to build unity through action.
John Reid, Regional Council Secretary
Olympic Deals
RMT has won the following Olympics payments for members. For full details, including any effects on working conditions, www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/olympic-deals
Olympic issues for taxi drivers
- Exclusion from the Olympic Route Network (ORN), and road signage changes will stop taxis using certain routes.
- 15-year age limit imposed by the Mayor on taxis: RMT is calling for a scrappage scheme, to help drivers trade in aged vehicles.
- RMT is demanding that taxis are included in disabled transport plans for London 2012, as Games info currently excludes them.
- Taxi ranks are moving further from station exits, with private hire vehicles given priority. We need our ranks to be accessible, without blocking by unauthorised vehicles. Unsafe, uninsured, untested, unlicensed, unregulated pedicabs should be banned during the Olympics.
RMT’s London Taxi branch campaigns on these issues, holding protest demonstrations and lobbying authorities.
"The London Taxi was used to help win the Olympic bid. We now find ourselves excluded, marginalised and our ability to earn a decent living shattered. Support RMT’s fightback!"
- Mike Tinnion, Secretary London Taxis
Keep up to date with Taxi issues here
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