Service Control Dispute Offer To Be Discussed By RMT Representatives

The offer from LUL is attached below

London Underground and RMT met at the conciliation service Acas on 22 and 26 June to discuss the dispute surrounding Service Control staff covering the Piccadilly, Circle, District, Metropolitan and Hammersmith & City lines.

There will be a meeting of Service Control reps on the 27th of June 2012 to discuss the proposals below.

The talks have led to a set of proposals on which RMT will be consulting with their members. At the moment, three days of strike action are due to take place commencing this Sunday.

RMT Warns Of “Potentially Lethal” Olympics Rail Proposals

RAIL UNION RMT today registered its total opposition to last minute Olympics rail proposals which the union says are designed to cut corners on existing safety procedures in the event of a broken down train with potentially lethal consequences.

At today’s Traffic Operations Management Standards Committee (TOM SC) proposals were bounced on union reps for temporary working arrangements for failed trains for the duration of the Olympics.

RMT Service Control - ACAS Talks Update

RMT has put forward our opinion on this document that shows many loopholes for London Underground to not support Service Control staff in the future and allows management to hand pick who goes where.

LU management don't want there to be any transparency in who goes where in Service Control and don't want anything to be done by mutual agreement but for LU to choose and decide everything.

2011 Alstom Olympic Deal Worth Up To £800

Pay Negotiations 2011 – Alstom Metro Trains – Blue-Collar Group.

Summary of final offer agreed with the to the RMT Trade Union representatives on 26 October 2011.

In response to the pay claim from the trade unions, the Company has extensively listened to our staff and the RMT and this paper sets out the agreed terms
of the offer as follows;

Basic Rates of Pay

RMT Olympic Dispute - First Great Western


I write to inform you that First Great Western has totally refused to discuss or agree at Company Council level, the working arrangements for our members during the Olympic and Paralympic periods. Therefore, the matter has been subject to recent consideration by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken: