RMT Warns Of “massive Impact” On Tube And Train Services As Bus Workers Prepare To Strike Over Olympics Payments

"It is a scandal that this group of fellow transport workers have been kicked in the teeth by TFL and the bus companies when it comes to a fair reward for the extra work load generated by the Olympics" - Bob Crow

TUBE AND RAIL UNION RMT warned today of a “massive impact” on services on Friday as millions of passengers try to find alternative means of travel as a result of the bus workers strike for Olympics pay justice.

This morning, Central Line services were again reduced to chaos due to a signal failure at Liverpool Street as the harsh reality that the network can barely cope with routine demand after successive waves of cuts to maintenance and staffing, let alone a surge in passenger numbers from either the bus workers action or the Olympics, was laid bare.

RMT Early Day Motions On Taxi Issues

RMT’s Parliamentary group has submitted Early Day Motions on three issues that are very important to our taxi driver members.

Please take a couple of minutes to contact your MP to urge him/her to sign these motions. This will help our campaigns to defend our taxi driver members’ livelihoods (as well as helping the environment, congestion reduction and public safety!).

EDM59 – London Taxis and the Olympic Route Network

That this House notes the inevitable pressures on London's transport network throughout the Olympic Games; further notes that the Olympic Route Network is an important component of transport plans for the Olympics;

RMT Rebuts 'Perverse Misinterpretation' Of Olympic Deal By London Underground

"We will not accept London Underground reneging on our agreement nor any other organisation"

We note the correspondence from London Underground, which poses a perverse misinterpretation of the agreement we reached at ACAS, and which has been circulated widely to LU train drivers by ASLEF. We instruct the General Secretary to reply to this letter, giving a detailed rebuttal of its contents, and to circularise this reply to our representatives.

We note the General Secretary’s efforts to arrange an immediate return to ACAS to enforce our agreement.

Workers' Education Association Course For 2012 / 2013

To apply for any of these course, the leaflet of courses and an application form is attached below

At the WEA we offer a range of union courses for reps of all experiences and backgrounds. Our courses are free for union reps and are accredited through time in the classroom and workplace activities. Workplace reps, shop stewards, H&S reps and learning reps all have a legal right to attend without loss of earnings.

NB: for all courses listed below WEA are running two separate courses on each day – a General course and a course specifically for those who work on London Underground.

All courses listed , unless otherwise stated, run from 9.30am to 4.30pm

Service Control Dispute Meeting To Discuss Options Following Ballot For Industrial Action

From RMT Service Control Team

Due to the current dispute and the ballot results coming back with a resounding yes we are holding an emergency meeting to discuss what you want management to concede to settle this dispute.

What future protection, guarantees and job options do you want agreed from LU?

Also we need you to decide what industrial action you as the member think is suitable to take if this doesn't happen as the ballot has now given us the legal grounding to do so.

National Women's Advisory Committee Posters & Badges To Be Produced Nationally

We welcome and support the resolution from the National Women's Advisory Committee. We instruct the General Secretary to produce the two posters and the badges in sufficient quantities for use in workplaces nationally, and to distribute them to all branches, Regional Councils, Regional Organisers and Regional Offices.

The resolution referred to is from the National Women's Advisory Committee, asking for the posters and badges produced by LT Region to be produced nationally.

RMT to Defend Special Educational Needs Provision for Children

London Transport Regional Council passed the following resolution at its May 2012 meeting:

This union notes the government’s announcement of changes to provision for children with special needs. While the current system is not perfect, these proposals will cut provision, and are a significant attack on support for the most needy kids and the jobs of those education workers who support them.

Harmonisation Of Terms And Conditions At Thales

That we note the correspondence on file regarding Harmonisation.

Referring to decision GWW 26th April 2012 (Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2012 - Thales) where our members are to be balloted for Industrial Action, we instruct the General Secretary to commence an immediate ballot our affected members for strike action and action short of a strike on "Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service 2012" and "Harmonisation of Terms & Conditions", with a strong recommendation to vote YES on both questions. This ballot is to be undertaken in the minimum amount of time allowed to us by law.

TUC Disabled Workers' Conference 2012 Executive Report

Having attended the 2012 TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference on 30th & 31st May 2012 on behalf of the Council of Executives, we are pleased to submit the following report to the June Statutory meeting, and request that this report be adopted by the Council of Executives and placed in the minutes.

The two-day event was held at Congress House in London, and was attended across the board from within the TU movement, including delegates with a wide range of disabilities which obviously created many organisational challenges. These challenges were well met by the TUC and the conference ran very smoothly.

RMT Will Do All In Its Power To Defend Canteen Rep Petrit Mihaj Following His Success At An Employment Tribunal

We welcome the success of our representative Petrit Mihaj in winning the return of his deducted sick pay at Employment Tribunal. This vindicates our decision to pursue this case. We further note that Brother Mihaj and his representative are making constructive efforts to arrange his return to work.

However, following more than six months of suspension, Sodexho has now charged Petrit with misconduct, despite there having been no complaint made against him.