London Transport Regional Council Meeting Synopsis, Motions & Reports

Updated with Regional Organiser Steve Hedleys' Report & Motions.

Synopsis from RMT LTRC President Vaughan Thomas

We had excellent contributions from the C of E member Janine Booth and the RO Steve Hedley. We also had a guest speaker who talked about the National Shop Stewards Network and the upcoming conference on June 9th in London.

RMT Young Members AGM Educational Course

Circular No. NP/022/12

7th February 2012

To: All Branches & Regional Councils, Regional Organisers and Head Office Officers & Staff.

Dear Colleague

Young Members’ Annual General Meeting Education Course 2012

In recent years the Union has organised a Young Members Education Course to run in parallel with the Unions ‘Parliament’ the Annual General Meeting which has proved highly successful. This year the Annual General Meeting takes place in Torquay, and a similar education course for any of our young members to attend will be organised. To attend you should be a member of the RMT and aged 30 or less on the 23rd June 2012.

RMTPlatform June 2012

Click on the attachment for the latest RMTplatform edition.
In this issue we highlight the future LUL have for supervisor grades with regards to mobile supervision, the cleaner’s campaign for a fair and decent living wage as well as an Olympic bonus.
Other articles include the deal reached by RMT for an Olympic bonus for its members that requires no framework breaches.
Please download and print and feel free to distribute in your workplace.

Letter to all RMT drivers - RMT / LU Olympics deal

The following letter has been sent to all RMT drivers from Dean O'Hanlon, secretary of the RMT train grades committee:

Dear Colleague,

You may be aware that following our agreement at ACAS for the Olympics and a subsequent newsletter produced by RMT there has been a furious response from ASLEF which met at a senior level with LUL and produced a response from the Director of HR, Gerry Duffy.

Conduct Of Members At Regional Council Meetings

A letter from the LTRC President Vaughan Thomas, also signed by Secretary John Reid and Treasurer Ross Marshall

A number of members have expressed concern at the general tone of the Regional Meetings over recent months. The Regional Officers share this concern and pledge to do all we can to develop a culture of comradeship and inclusiveness. In this way we hope we can encourage members, old and new, to come along to these meetings and express their opinions without fear of intimidation.

RMT Reaches Olympic Deal With London Underground Which Defends Workplace Agreements

From General Secretary Bob Crow I am writing to advise members that following further talks at ACAS, a final proposal was tabled over Olympic Recognition and Reward for London Underground members. A meeting took place with 150 of your representatives at the end of last week to consult on this offer and the General Grades Committee has decided the following:

“We note the overwhelming view of our representatives expressed at the meeting on Friday 25 May, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to advise London Underground of our acceptance of the revised proposal. We note that as a result, our members will receive up to £1000 for Olympics working, none of which is dependent on changes to or breaches of agreements."

RMT To Ballot “Boris Bikes” Operational Staff For Action Over Olympics Reward And Working Conditions

"Despite an increasing workload this summer as we head towards the Olympics the staff running the London cycle hire scheme are facing a bullying management who are imposing outrageous changes to conditions" - Bob Crow

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot staff running the London “Boris Bike’s” for both strike action and action short of a strike over a range of grievances:

  1. Imposition of changes to working hours and shift patterns which have been unanimously rejected by our members.
  2. No offer of any financial reward for working during the Olympics, despite the big increased in workload and the Games’ organisers’ promotion of cycling during the event.
  3. The unfair and draconian attendance policy.

London Underground Correspondence On Service Control Dispute To Be Discussed

We note the further correspondence from London Underground regarding service control issues. We instruct the General Secretary to invite our Functional Council representatives to submit detailed comments, and to respond to the employer in line with these.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and service control representatives to be advised.