London Underground Correspondence On Victoria Line Safety & Training To Be Discussed

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to our functional council representatives of train, depot and service control staff, asking for their comments and any additional information they may have about this issue, and to place replies in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT To Take Further Action On 'TrainPeople' Members Concerns

We note the issues raised by a member who works for the agency ‘Trainpeople’, the legal advice received, and that this employer argues that it is exempt from regulations concerning agency workers, as it is using the ‘Swedish Derogation Model’. We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • provide our legal adviser with the further information requested, and place in front of us the further advice that will result
  • provide full support to this member and others who are challenging the unacceptable practices of this and other agencies

RMT To Pursue Joint Union Approach On LU Rainbow Attendance policy

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the progress of this issue at LU Company Council, and to pursue the other unions for a response to our request for a joint approach.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Arnos Grove Station Group Staffing Level Dispute Resolved

We note the report from our local representative, that the issue has been resolved, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary not to proceed with the previously-agreed ballot for industrial action.

We further instruct the General Secretary to obtain a more detailed report on the resolution of this dispute and place it in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT LUL Olympic Agreement

Agreed statement between RMT and LUL at ACAS

For the period of the Olympics and Paralympics, London Underground and RMT are prepared to work in cooperation to ensure that the Olympics are successful and to demonstrate to the world a successful model of public sector service. London Underground will attempt to staff all relevant Olympic duties on a voluntary basis. In the unlikely event that any of these duties remain uncovered, level 1 committees, where they operate,

'Boris Bike' Cycle Hire Scheme Members Balloted For Strike Action


We note and endorse the correspondence from our Camden 3 branch and share its concernabout the following actions by the employer:

  • Imposition of changes to working hours and shift patterns which have been unanimously rejected by our members.
  • No offer of any financial reward for working during the Olympics, despite the big increased in workload and the Games’ organisers’ promotion of cycling during the event.

Issue 21 RMT Up front

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT Up front, the newsletter for RMT drivers on London Underground. This issue focuses on the deal reached by RMT for our driver members. Main stories follow:

RMT wins gold for drivers

Talks at ACAS have achieved a breakthrough for RMT drivers on London Underground. The union’s General Grades Committee and LU have agreed a settlement which will mean that all RMT drivers will get a £500 bonus and £20 a day just for coming to work during the Olympics and Paralympics. There is also the £100 CSS bonus. The monetary payments for our drivers in this deal involve no agreement with the RMT to breach frameworks.

RMT settles Olympics recognition and reward agreement with London Underground

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has reached an agreement with London Underground over Olympics recognition and reward.

After months of intensive negotiations RMT has reached an agreement that protects existing agreements and allows staff to work within the terms of their existing contracts.

There will also be additional rewards packages of up to £1000 for staff in recognition of the massive additional pressures that will be thrown at the service from the extra three million journeys a day.

RMT Accept LU Olympic Offer Following Approval At Representatives Meeting

We note the overwhelming view of our representatives expressed at the meeting on Friday 25 May, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to advise London Underground of our acceptance of the revised proposal. We note that as a result, our members will receive up to £1000 for Olympics working, none of which is dependant on changes to or breaches of agreements. This union has stood its ground and refused to sign up to any changes to the agreements that protect our members’ working conditions.