Student Support For 'Justice For Dayna' Campaign

By Daniel Lemberger Cooper, President SURHUL & ULU Vice President-elect

A statement from Student union officers and student activists

We the undersigned support RMT member Dayna Nembhard's fight for reinstatement to her job on London Underground. Dayna was sacked for
defending herself against a racist attack

We see this as a continuation of the solidarity built between students and Tube workers during the anti-cuts struggles of the last two years, and a crucial battle in our movements' fight against racism and for workers' rights.


RMT Is Fighting For Better Pay And Conditions For Cubic Staff

RMT demands a decent living wage for Cubic staff

RMT has been negotiating with Cubic Transportation for decent pay and conditions, including an Olympic bonus.

We are demanding: PAY EQUALITY, with a decent rate of pay for all staff and an end to individual pay rates – people doing the same job deserve the same pay; a substantial OLYMPIC BONUS for all staff; FREE TRANSPORT on London Underground, and a SHORTER WORKING WEEK for all staff to work the same hours with no loss of pay.

LUL Olympic Offer - Representatives Meeting - Friday 25th May 2012

From RMT London Transport Region Regional Organiser Steve Hedley

LUL have agreed to the release of all industrial representatives on Friday 25th May 2012 to attend a meeting to discuss the Olympic Offer at Hughes Parry Hall, 19-26 Cartwright Gardens, London WC1H 9EF (a short 5 min walk from Euston/Kings Cross Stations) commencing at 11:00 am to discuss the latest LUL Olympic offer.

Please ensure you have been released at local level.

London Underground's Savage Job Cuts U-turn

Following the removal of 800 station staff posts by the company last year, I write to advise you that London Underground is to recruit another 600 Customer Service Advisors (CSA’s), coming on top of the 300 employed earlier this year. The company has been forced into this massive u-turn, and has now increased the number of jobs by 100, after savage cuts within the last year.

RMT LGBT Conference 2012 Motions

There were six motions at the LGBT conference this year. All were passed. The motion "International LGBT Rights" and "Diversity Role Models: tackling homophobia through education" were voted to go before the unions AGM. The others will be discussed by the unions Executive.

TUC Mass Demonstration – 20th October

The TUC is organising a mass demonstration in London under the banner of “A future that works” on October 20th this year. RMT will be participating fully in this mobilization, as part of our wider strategy of opposing the cuts.

It is essential that the RMT contingent is as large as possible in order to demonstrate the seriousness of our opposition to Government plans to slash jobs, pay, terms and conditions, employment rights, and pensions alongside the services we all use.

Olympic Talks Between RMT And London Underground Progress At ACAS

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Your negotiating team met with LUL under the auspices of ACAS yesterday. The company has not changed its financial offer, and has proposed that in the event of duties remaining uncovered by volunteers at any location, the level 1 committee will meet to resolve it. There is no proposal to change Framework Agreements.

RMT LGBT Conference 2012 Report

RMT LGBT Conference at Jury’s Inn, Southampton 18th May 2012 Report by Jo Parry.

A total of 23 delegates took part in this year’s conference the largest delegation that I can recall in the last few years. (29 were registered to attend). 7 delegates where from London Transport Region. 4 female delegates were on the list to attend; however, yet again I was the only female delegate to actually turn up.