Justice for Dayna - The Badge

The campaign to overturn this cruel injustice handed out to Dayna by LUL gathers pace.
The GGC has decided to enact the following to secure Dayna`s reinstatement;
•pursue this case through the full procedure agreed last year, including a meeting between Bob Crow and Mike Brown before proceeding to industrial action if necessary
•raise this issue with our Parliamentary group
•arrange a meeting with Dayna's GLA member, Navin Shah

Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival & Durham Miners’ Gala

From general secretary Bob Crow

Further to my circular of 14 Feb I am writing to remind you about this year’s Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival and Durham Miners’ Gala.

The date of this year’s Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival is the weekend of 13-15 July. This is an excellent and very popular event commemorating some of the pioneers of trade unionism. The procession and rally will take place on the Sunday 15 July.

Pro Forma For Drivers Expressing Wish To Work Within Frameworks During Olympic Period

Pro forma is attached below

By now most of you will have received a copy of an expression of interest form circulated by LUL asking Drivers to give their preferences for working additional shifts over the Olympic period, in breach of our framework agreements. This form claims its distribution has been agreed with the Trade Unions whereas only ASLEF has agreed. RMT continues to be in discussions with LUL over our claims for Olympic recognition and reward.

London Underground Cleaners Recruitment Campaign

RMT is fighting for decent pay and conditions for cleaners. As part of this campaign, we will be going on a ‘walkabout’ early next week.

Please take part in this. Please identify some time during three days where you can visit stations and other workplaces with our RMT reps and activists.

Please contact us and we'll pass on your details to the person organising the recruitment.

Contact details available here.