Stratford No 1 Branch Minutes April 2012

Original branch minutes are attached below

Branch Secretary: Terry O’Neill. Branch Chairperson: Adrian Finney ,
Branch Minutes: Thursday April 12 th 2012

17.10 hrs Meeting opens.

Previous Minutes Adopted

1. Matters Arising:
Branch Balance & end of year and future financing. £1000.00 Out £900 in Branch Banner to be considered in late 2012 Reliability Rainbow guidelines. Tommo to email Rainbow. E-mail TFC for information Two Retirments in May, Glasses and globes plus £100 each Order retirement forms for Reps.Ray Johnston and Mike Beament

Uk Powerlink Members Gain £900 Olympic Bonus

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, outlining the proposal for Powerlink (formerly EDF), summarised as follows:

  • seeking an unlimited number of volunteers for duties
  • slightly changing shift patterns
  • volunteers for restricted leave during the Olympics period
  • a bonus of £900.

Our Regional Organiser reports that our local representatives and members welcome this offer.

RMT Concerned By LU's Planned Social Media Policy

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that London Underground has written to RMT notifying us of its new guidelines for social media use. Once again, LUL has failed to consult us over a policy which significantly affects our members, and only asks for our "questions" after the document is published, not our input whilst it is being drafted.

Ban On Pedicabs During The Olympics

We note the correspondence from our London Taxi branch, outlining their objections to pedicabs, which include: lack of proper CRB or police checks; unsafe design; congestion; and lack of fare structure leading to passengers being ripped off.

We therefore accept our branch’s view that this union should campaign for a ban on pedicabs during the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to ask our Parliamentary group to submit an Early Day Motion, and to raise this issue with Greater London Assembly members.

RMT Will Take All Necessary Action To Defend Sacked SA Dayna Nembhard

We note the report from our Regional Organiser on this shocking case. We are appalled that London Underground has seen fit to victimise and sack a member of staff who did nothing more than stand up for herself against a racist attack while she was off-duty.

We note that there is to be a Directors' Review of this case tomorrow, and give notice that should this not lead to Dayna’s reinstatement, this union will fight this injustice with all methods at our disposal.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

LU Olympic Offer Update

We note the latest developments in talks at ACAS. Unfortunately, instead of going forward from the last wording agreed, London Underground management tried to change it, to add qualifications that appeared designed to tie us to agreements made by other unions and which we could not accept. In response to RMT’s claim for a £1,000 lump sum reward for all grades, LU offered £100 CSS bonus (dependant on targets); £20 per shift attendance for the four weeks of the Games events only; plus £500 for drivers, £350 for other grades, and no extra for admin staff.

LU RMT ACAS Olympic Talks Update

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

RMT attended talks at ACAS with London Underground yesterday about Olympics working. Unfortunately, instead of going forward from the last wording agreed, management tried to change it by adding qualifications that appeared designed to tie us to agreements made by other unions. RMT could not accept this.