Mistreatment Of Service Control Staff Leads To Ballot For Industrial Action

In line with the recommendation of our representatives and previous decisions, we instruct the
General Secretary to ballot our London Underground service control members on the Piccadilly Line
and Sub-Surface Railway (SSR) for strike and action short of strike.

London Transport Regional Council, branches London Underground service control representatives to
be advised.

London Underground 'Rainbow' Attendance Policy

We note the report from our representative on file, outlining how London Underground is implementing its Rainbow Attendance policy, the unfairness and detriment this is causing to our members, and advice to representatives. We endorse this report, and instruct the General Secretary to send it by post to all London Underground representatives.

All responses are to be placed on file, and further reports, correspondence and legal opinions are to be placed in front of us.

Driverless Train Movements On Victoria Line & Automatic Door Opening

We note the correspondence from ASLEF. We instruct the General Secretary to reply, advising ASLEF that RMT is campaigning against the introduction of Automatic Door Opening on the Victoria Line and urging ASLEF to join us in this campaign. Any further correspondence from ASLEF, and reports of local contact with ASLEF on this matter, is to be placed in front of us.

Industrial Relations - Tube Lines DSM

We welcome the report from our lead officer, confirmed by our branch secretary, that the industrial relations difficulties in this department are currently being resolved to our satisfaction. However, we remain vigilant for management causing any further problems, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of us should any concern arise.

London Transport Regional Council and LU Fleet branch to be advised.

CBS Outdoor Members To Be Balloted For Strike Action Following Derisory Pay Offer

That we note the offer from CBS Outdoor of a 1.5% pay rise and a £500 Olympics bonus.

We support our Regional Organiser’s view that this offer is derisory and comes nowhere near meeting our aspirations. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • Immediately conduct a ballot of all our CBS Outdoor members for strike action andaction short of strike

RMT Pursues Reinstatement Of Uniform Cleaning Vouchers

That we note the correspondence from our Stratford no.1 branch, and the branch’s view that this union should maintain its stance that London Underground should provide uniform cleaning vouchers.

We note that LU management is refusing to discuss restoring the vouchers at the Uniform Consultative Committee, declaring that it considers the matter closed. We disagree.

London Underground Plans For Mobile Daylight Hour Supervisors

LU has announced plans to have Supervisors covering several stations from 7am to 11pm only. These stations would be opened and closed by security guards.

These plans relate to stations transferred from Silverlink, but RMT believes they are a precursor to wider de-staffing of London Underground stations.

The General Grades Committee has made the following decision: