Tube Lines strike update

  • Action commences at 16.00 hrs today (24TH April) when Tube Lines staff, including the Emergency Response Unit, will walk off the job.
  • It is important to point out that the impact of the action will extend beyond 72 hours as the strike decision says that … “members are instructed to return to work for shifts starting after 16:00hrs on Friday 27 April 2012.” Due to the shift patterns this means that the action and its impact on services will last throughout Friday evening.

London Fire Brigades Union Backs Striking Tube Lines Workers


London Fire Brigades Union is backing Tube Lines workers starting a 72-hour strike from 4pm this afternoon. The tube workers want access to the Transport for London pension scheme.

Ian Leahair, FBU Executive Council member for London said: “We’re throwing our support behind the Tube Lines workers taking strike action to secure access to the TfL pension scheme. A decent occupational pension is essential for workers to ensure they are not living in poverty in retirement.

RMT Takes Out High Court Defamation Action Against Boris Johnson Over Election Poster Campaign

RMT today took out a High Court defamation action against Boris Johnson over his Not Ken Again poster campaign which falsely portrays RMT General Secretary as having caused grave harm to the interests of Londoners and as part of and someone who supports a culture of political immorality.

An RMT spokesman said;

PPP 2.0

On Eve Of Tube Lines strike RMT warns of secret plan to reprivatise tube maintenance and unleash nightmare repeat of Public Private Partnership

With Tube Lines staff, including the Emergency Response Unit, geared up to strike for 72 hours from 4pm today in a dispute over pensions and benefits equality with other underground staff, tube union RMT warned that the failure of tube bosses to agree a simple harmonisation of the most basic employment conditions could be linked to a secret plan to reprivatise the maintenance work unleashing the nightmare of PPP2.

Recruitment Campaign For Canteen And Cleaner Staff

RMT is organising to recruit more members who work as Cleaners and Canteen staff. We have a ballot coming up for ISS cleaners who's pay and benefits are woefully low for the hard work they do. At Sodexo the RMT is working hard to get recognition for the RMT,

This all depends on getting as many people signed up as possible. Remember cleaners and canteen staff can currently join the RMT for £1 a week.

Recruitment Plan For Canteen and Cleaner Staff

There are small group of reps and activists who are attempting to actively recruit cleaners and canteen staff in the london transport region.

Sodexo canteen workers have put in for a recognition agreement, their management have agreed dependant us on getting 50% +1 members, if we do not get the required number of members we will be barred from going for recognition again for 3 years.

Cleaners are to be balloted shortly due to a number of issues including an olympic recognition bonus which makes our task even more important.

LU Sacks Station Assistant Who Was Victim Of Racist Attack

Click image for full size leaflet, or download the attachment below.

CSA Dayna Nembhard
After 8 years unblemished service, Dayna was callously sacked without any corroborated evidence to justify a Gross Misconduct charge.

Pregnant Dayna had finished work and stopped at the KFC for a bite to eat. Unprovoked, a white female customer racially attacked her. Fearing harm to her unborn child, mildmannered Dayna sought to defend

Addison Lee Boss John Griffin's Comments Concerning London Cyclists Are Disturbing Say RMT London Taxi Branch

The RMT London Taxi Branch notes the disturbing comments made by Mr John Griffin concerning London Cyclists, This once again demonstrates his complete contempt for other road users.

This statement and his continued instruction to his drivers to flout the law in respect of Bus Lanes calls into question Addison Lee's fitness to hold a Private Hire Operators Licence.

If TfL fail in their attempts to prevent these illegal actions, we will act and invite all trade organisations to join us in that action

Service Control Meeting

The next service control meeting is on Wednesday 16th May - 12.30 on PAY DAY at Conference Room 1, RMT HQ, Unity House, 39 Chalton Street.

Closes Tubes are Euston & Kings Cross.

This should be an important meeting as figures for expected job cuts when the new Hammersmith SCC is opened have just been released. Read this article for the latest details and the Service Control newsletter for April.