Bakerloo News April 2012

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Main stories follow:

Management renege on 2008 Silverlink deal

Following a dispute by station staff on the Wembley Central Group in 2007/2008 involving a number of days of solid strike action, management moved from no station supervisors at the smaller stations to agreeing to phase out agency staff, have station supervisors on all stations during traffic hours and end the practise of security guards opening and closing stations. Although this did not satisfy our demands that the Ex-silverlink stations should be in line with LUL staffing it was a huge move from no staffing. Management now want to tear up that agreement on traffic hours Supervision.

RMT President Leads London Assembly Electoral Challenge

President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) selected to lead new trade unionist and socialist electoral challenge for Greater London Assembly Elections in May 2012

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) has selected Alex Gordon President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) to lead its list for the London Assembly elections due to take place on 3 May 2012.