London Transport Region Motion Agreed: Reparation Campaign 2012

That the London Transport Regional Council BEM, joins up with organisations and individual such as the Haiti First Haiti Now Reparation Campaign, Global Afrikan Congressuk, Pan Afrikan Society Community Forum, MPs and others interested in Reparation campaigning in 2012.

The 2012 campaign should have a number of mini conference leading up to the Annual Reparation Conference on Thursday the 23rd August.

These should be held on the following dates:-

1)Saturday 28th April at the TUC Black Workers Conference
2)Saturday 26th May Afrikan Liberation day

RMT rejects ASLEF/LU guidance document for duty allocation during the Olympics

At a meeting of the Trains Functional Council today (4/4/12) the RMT rejected the proposed ASLEF/LU "guidelines" for allocatating duties during the Olympics.

The RMT members present made the following statement to the Council:

"The RMT has sought and continues to seek an agreement which provides a successful tube system during the 2012 Olympics where our members are properly rewarded for the extra workload involved.

The RMT’s position is that we are not prepared to break framework agreements and driving parameters.

The olympic deal and what it means to you.

This document outlines what LUL want you to give up and how it would affect you personally. Please feel free to download and print to distribute to members.

Our framework is NOT for sale.

LU’s Olympic Offer what it means to you.

London Underground’s insult of an offer for ‘Rewarding’ its station staff during the Olympics in return for selling out our framework is a disgrace, and below is how it would impact on you.

RMT Young Members At Brussels 'Nationalisation Not privatisation' Demo

RMT Young Members marched with other transport workers in Brussels on the first anniversary of the European Commission's Transport White Paper, which orders states to surrender transport networks to corporate interests.

The Young Members who attended the conference created their own banner which as the photos below show, really stood out amongst the crowds.

RMTv: Brussels Demonstration -Nationalisation Not Privatisation

Transport workers marched in Brussels on the first anniversary of the European Commission's Transport White Paper, which orders states to surrender transport networks to corporate interests.

The demonstration was attended by London Transport Regional Council members including Young Members.

Filmed and edited by Andrew Brattle.

London Taxi News Spring 2012 Edition

The latest edition of London Taxi News, an anti-pedicab special, is now availale to download.

In this edition:

  • RMT London taxi branch calls for unity to save trade
  • Unity meeting discusses common approach to review
  • We can't rely on Boris
  • RMT scores major victory over pedicabs
  • Demo at Stratford a great success
  • United we stand - Implementation of identifiers has been greeted by the trade with different levels of

You can download the full newsletter using the link below, or click 'read more' to view the pdf if you have a modern browser.