LU Olympics Working: Update from ACAS Talks

At ACAS talks today, RMT stated that we wished to discuss with LU management how to deliver the staffing arrangements needed in all grades to provide London with the transport service it needs in order to make the Olympic and Paralympic Games a success. We stated that RMT believes that this can be achieved within the parameters of existing agreements, and would explain to LU management how this could be done, expecting management to consider these proposals and give its views.

RMT Reps in TfL No.1's area, 2012

Senior Industrial Representatives
Maria Taylor (TICC, Pier Walk)
Karen Fay (TICC, Pier Walk)
Andre Ashman (Oyster, Pier Walk)
Steve Poole (TIC, Liverpool Street)

Local Industrial elected Reps
Paul Rutland (RNC, Kings Building)
William Childs (CSEP, Buckingham Palace Road)

TfL Health & Safety
Karen Fay (senior rep) (TICC, Pier Walk)
Peter Wicks (TIC, Liverpool Street)
Sarah Hicks (LTM, Covent Garden)
Paul Rutland (RNC, Kings Building)

TfL Union Learning Reps
Joanne Parry (lead rep) (H&S, Palestra)
Maria Taylor (TICC, Pier Walk)


TfL No.1 Branch Post Holders 2012

2012 branch post holders were elected at the 2011 branch AGM on Monday 12 December:

  • Branch Secretary: Linda Wiles
  • Branch Chair: Paul Rutland
  • Vice Secretary: Duncan Delvin
  • Vice Chair: Joanne Parry
  • Membership Secretary: Emma Linacre
  • Champions:
    • Age: Roy Carey
    • Black & Minority Ethnic: Andre Ashman
    • Disabilities: Maria Taylor
    • Environment: Dawn Smith
    • Health & Safety: Karen Fay
    • LGBT: Joanne Parry
    • Political: Steve Poole
    • Training: Linda Wiles
    • ULR: Joanne Parry
    • Website: Emma Linacre

2012 Branch Meetings

Branch meetings are held upstairs in the Blue Eyed Maid pub on Borough High Street, nearest Tube stations are London Bridge & Borough. Meetings start at 5pm.

Meetings dates in 2012 are
Monday 16th April
Monday 14th May
Monday 11th June
Monday 9th July
Monday 13th August
Monday 10th September
Monday 8th October
Monday 12th November

The branch's Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 10 December and all branch officers will be elected for 2013.

John Carlos Event: Resistance - The Best Olympic Spirit

The John Carlos Event: Resistance - The Best Olympic Spirit will be held at Friends House on Euston Road (Map) on the 21sth of May at 6pm.

Please print and distribute the attached flier amongst your friends and colleagues.

Seize The Time

It was a moment that changed more than just Olympic history. That it certainly did, most iconic image of the Olympic Games and the Black Power movement also captured the mood, the anger and resistance of 1968.

Service Control April Newsletter

Service control staff are being denied basic representation by managemment, hundreds of staff will lose their jobs when Hammersmith SCC is opened and management refuse to discuss alternative employment or the number of staff at risk.
A ridiculous campaign continues where managemnt consult staff 1 to 1 but offer no alternative proposals, just do you want to work at Hammersmith or not?
Staff need to stick together and force management to the table, a meeting has been arranged for April the 18th please attend.

Workers Memorial Day

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to my previous circular NP 013/12 dated 24th January 2012, please find enclosed links to the bulletins issued by the TUC for Workers’ Memorial Day. The bulletins are designed to help you mobilise and organise around various issues affecting the Health & Safety of our members. The next three in the series are entitled; Compensation under Threat, Occupational Disease a time bomb the Government ignores and Union Health & Safety Representatives.

London Transport Region Motion Agreed - Justice for Christopher Alder Campaign

This Branch/Region notes:
Christopher Alder, a former paratrooper, died in police custody in 1998. Christopher Alder choked to death on the floor of a police station in Hull where the CCTV recorded officers chatting and saying that Christopher was faking illness. They also appear to be making monkey noises at him and laughing.

London Transport Region Motion Agreed: RMT And TSSA Merger

That London Transport Regional Council note that talks with the Leadership of the RMT and TSSA has reached an apparent impasse.

This is amongst the Leadership.

There has been no rank and file campaign on this matter among either Unions membership in London.

That the LTRC Executive look into the possibility of meeting with LTRC RMT members and Tssa members in an effort to work closer together.