UN Secretary General Says 'Time Has Come' To End Violence And Discrimination Against LGBT People

Earlier this month UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon told delegates of a Human Rights Council meeting that the time has come to end violence and discrimination against LGBT people around the world.

All Out, who campaign around the world for LGBT freedoms have made a remix video of the speech.

Moon said "We see a pattern of violence and discrimination directed at people just because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. People have been imprisoned, tortured, even killed."

RMT Pushes For Above Inflation Pay Rise, Olympic Bonus, Improved Pensions and Better Benefits For Initial Cleaners

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and welcome his actions in tabling a claim for an above-inflation pay rise, free travel passes, a full sick pay scheme, improved pensions and an Olympics bonus. We agree to his recommendation that should Initial not respond positively to the Olympics claim within 7 days and the other claims within 14 days, we intend to declare this union in dispute with this company in line with the wishes of our representatives.

Olympic Recognition And Reward – Transport For London

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. At ACAS yesterday (26 March), RMT made clear that in
order to proceed with talks we need a statement from management that no RMT members will be forced to break Framework Agreements. This has not yet been forthcoming from management, and until it is, all talks are adjourned.

Sign Up To The RMT Black & Ethnic Minority Members Mailing List

From London Transport Region Black & Ethinic Minority Officer Glen Hart

To assist providing RMT members with the latest news and campaigns from the Black and Ethnic Minority Member’s Committee, we are in the process of updating the BEM mailing list.

This will ensure that every RMT member interested with fighting the struggle for equality and against racism are aware of the campaigns.

We all face tough, difficult and daunting times ahead of us. How we organise together in solidarity, will be a determining factor.

LU Olympics: ACAS Talks

RMT negotiators attended ACAS on Monday 26 March, and issued the following update at the end of the day's talks: “At ACAS today, RMT explained that in order to proceed with talks we need a statement from management that no RMT members will be forced to break Framework Agreements. This has not been forthcoming from management, and until it is, all talks will be adjourned."

RMT Women's Lunch

The Women's Lunch will be held on Thursday 3rd May between 12 and 5pm in the upstairs function room at the Theodore Bullfrog,

The address is 26-30 John Adam Street (off Villiers street), WC2N 6HL.

Nearest stations are Charing Cross and Embankment.

It would be great to see as many RMT women there as possible, and please feel free to either drop in for a bite to eat or stay all afternoon.

If you haven't already done so, please RSVP to women@rmtlondoncalling.org.uk

RMTV: Save Our Railways, No to McNulty, Nationwide Budget "Day of Action"

To coincide with the 2012 budget, RMT called a nationwide day of action against changes proposed in the McNulty Report and the governments Rail Command Paper.

RMTv caught up with events at Waterloo station, a terminal for South West Trains who will be running an experimental operation to run both track maintenance and passenger train services.

You can view lots more videos like this at RMTV

RMT Response To 2012 Budget

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “This is a budget of the rich for the rich. The tax changes mean that a banker on half a million pounds gets a kick back from George Osborne of £17,500, money robbed from our public services and the neediest in our divided society."

RMT Young Members Education Weekend – To Mark And Celebrate The Life Of Jim Connell

From Dave Marshall - Organising Unit

As part of the years Educational events being organised for the Union’s Young Members we have received an invitation from our Irish Trade Union Brothers and Sisters for RMT Young Members to attend a weekend of educational and political activities to explore the life and celebrate the contribution the Irish Socialist and Trade Unionist Jim Connell (27 March 1852 – February 1929) made to our movement.