Poster: Cleaners Demand Olympic Bonus

A recent cleaners protest, photo by Mark King

“Greedy Money Grabbing Cleaners” Demand Olympics Bonus

If only this were true! Whilst the debate continues about the financial rewards being offered to most LU staff across the combine for the Olympic Games, please spare a thought for our often downtrodden cleaning colleagues who are employed by the notorious Cleaning Companies.

Please download and distribute the attached poster.

RMT Executive Statement On Claims For Olympic Period

The RMT Executive through the General Grades Committee has issued the following statement and poster for notice boards to reiterate and clarify the RMT's position on members entitlements for the Olympic period.

“We reiterate our stance that all grades of transport employees are entitled to a decent financial reward for their efforts transporting huge numbers of passengers during the Olympics and are entitled to take leave during the summer, and that working conditions and important agreements should not and need not be attacked in order to facilitate Olympic running.”

RMT Confirms Timetable For Industrial Action Ballot On Tube Lines Over Pensions And Staff Travel

TUBE UNION RMT today confirmed the timetable on a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike on Tube Lines.

Ballot papers will be sent out to RMT members at Tube Lines, including ex-Alstom Stratford Market depot staff, on the 20th March with the ballot closing on the 16th April. RMT is calling for a massive yes vote for industrial action to back the union’s demand for equal pension and travel-pass rights.

London Underground's Olympic Offer: full details

Attached to this post, you will find London Underground's letter to RMT setting out the company's offer to staff for Olympic working, consisting of:

  • a letter from LU
  • a document giving its 'flexibility' demands
  • and an appendix for each of the four functions affected
    • Asset Performance Directorate
    • Stations and Revenue Control
    • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
    • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

Olympics: RMT Demands Better From TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We further note that our members on TfL are highly dissatisfied with the way that the employer is treating them, with both a lack of adequate financial reward and unacceptable changes to working conditions.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately organise a ballot in line with our previous decision of 23 February 2012, to send a personal letter by post to all members, and to assist the branch and representatives in campaigning for the maximum turnout and 'yes' vote.

RMT Considers LU Olympics Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from London Underground, of an additional £350 lump sum payment to all operational staff in each of the following functions, dependant on the trade unions agreeing to changes in working practices detailed in the correspondence:

  • Asset Performance Directorate
  • Stations and Revenue Control
  • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
  • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

VAT On Air Ambulance Fuel Bills’ Petition

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I am writing to advise you of an online petition to get VAT removed from the fuel bills of Air Ambulance charities. Unlike the RNLI, under European Union rules the charities are not exempted from the tax.

The petition asks that any future fuel VAT payments made by these charities should be returned in the form of a grant of the same amount taken by HM Treasury.

For a debate to be granted 100,000 signatures are needed. I urge you to sign the petition and please circulate it widely so support can be built.

RMT Calls For Day Of Action On McNulty Report

RMT calls Budget “Day of Action” over rail carve up and slams train operators for using increased rail demand as excuse for higher fares

RAIL UNION RMT announced today it is holding a Budget “Day of Action” over Government plans to axe thousands of jobs, close ticket offices, jack up fares and give the train operating companies “gold plated” franchises as it implements the McNulty Rail Review recommendations.

RMT Taxi Drivers Secure Major Pedicabs Victory

AFTER MONTHS OF campaigning by RMT taxi branch, and with the support of the RMT parliamentary convenor John McDonnell, who through a series of actions blocked the progress of the London Local Authorities Bill, the sponsors have now been forced to withdraw the offending clause which would have enshrined the right to register pedicabs and provide them with rank spaces.

If the Bill with the offending Clause had been enacted it would have meant the introduction of a fully-fledged licensing and right to ply for hire regime for pedicabs, undermining the tightly-regulated licensed taxi trade.