RMT Rejects Tube Lines' Olympic Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our lead officer and reject Tube Lines’ offer on the following grounds:

  1. The company’s proposals would leave some of our members with no annual leave during the summer school holidays, resulting in many children not having a family summer holiday this year.
  2. The company’s offer applies only to operational staff, excluding other staff who will also be affected by the Olympics, and the company threatens to halve the financial offer should it apply to all staff.

Staffing Concerns And Trade Union Involvement - An Open Letter To LUL Managing Director Mike Brown

An open letter has been sent by RMT Stations and Revenue Council Safety Council Staff Side Secretary Ross Marshall to LU Managing Director Mike Brown.

The letter regards "The comments.... made in relation to several questions regarding staffing levels, the current review on stations, the fact that LU had presented the OSP plans as a fait accompli and other problems related to the OSP." Questions are also being asked about the review of staffing levels at a handful of stations, and why the RMT is not being involved with on this review.

Click 'read more' to see the letter or download the attachment for the original document.

RMT and DLR Cleaning Contractor Reach Recognition Agreement

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that Carlisle Cleaning Services has agreed to recognise RMT as the sole trade union representing all hourly-paid cleaning employees, and ratify the recognition agreement contained in the file. We congratulate our Regional Organiser and DLR branch in achieving this. We instruct the General Secretary to include a report in RMT News and to send a personal letter by post to all our members on this contract explaining what recognition entails and enclosing a membership form so that they can encourage their workmates to join.

Council of Executives Member's Report to Regional Council, February 2012

These are the issues I covered in my report to the Regional Council on 23 February:

  • Track contractors’ charter
  • Website / app
  • RMT/TSSA merger
  • Eurostar cleaners / Heathrow Express
  • Petrit’s legal case
  • Women – training / conference
  • Alstom – Jerusalem LR
  • TUSC – C of E to consult branches
  • Grades and equalities conferences
  • World Book Day / ULRs
  • Tube Lines pay, pensions, DSM dispute
  • Breaches of casualisation dispute settlement (ICSAs, agency staff)
  • Stations access

TFL Ballot And LUL Dispute Over Olympics

RMT to ballot for action on TFL over Olympics ban on staff leave and declares dispute with London Underground over Olympics payments

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot for industrial action on TFL over a ban on staff leave for the duration of the Olympics and has also declared a formal dispute with London Underground over a failure to reach an agreement on Olympics recognition and reward payments for all LU staff.

RMT Platform Feb 2012

Please find attached the latest copy of RMT Platform .Download and print copies for your messrooms and union noticeboards. Read about how the Revenue & Station Grades are working for the memebrs and how and where you can get involved.Its your union,its important for you to have your say.