RMT Stands Up to Bullying at Thales

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that our LU Engineering branch reports that following our decision to challenge Thales management last year about a bullying culture at Waterloo, the company took the following actions:

  • began to investigate the complaints both formally via a grievance and informally
  • implemented regular site visits by Human Resources to encourage staff to come forward with complaints etc
  • started to implement management training.

Our branch believes that this has led to a sea change and a vast improvement in treatment.

RMT Campaign Achieves Major Pay Victory For OCS Eurostar Cleaners

RAIL UNION RMT today announced the end a pay dispute involving OCS cleaners working on the Eurostar contract after a new deal secured the union’s interim objective of getting all staff onto a minimum rate of £8 per hour by the autumn of this year.

A series of incremental increases under the package will say the minimum rate of pay rise from £7.40 an hour to £8.00 per hour by November - an increase of around 8% on the basic.

Fit For London?

For some the jaunt up to Stratford has been a jolly old jape. Day off from your duty, no uniform, trip round the Olympic site, the only downside, having to listen to the LUL propaganda machine telling us how wonderful the world will be post Olympics. Happy days indeed.

RMT to Seek Agreement on LU Electronic Communications

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice received.

We are disappointed with the advice that LUL can lawfully change its electronic communications policy without consultation or first seeking the consent of employees or the union. This illustrates that employees’ and trade unions’ rights under the law remain very limited and employers’ powers very great.

We further note the advice regarding disciplinary action for breach of the guidelines.

LUL Employee Helpline - No Issue

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our lead officer that branches, reps and members have raised no complaints about this helpline with him. Further, we note that there is no material on the file indicating any concerns from members, and that there have been no further developments on this issue since the lead officer’s report was received in March 2011.

We therefore close this file.

DLR Arrangements for Jubilee Bank Holiday

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note Serco Docklands’ intentions for arrangements for staff for the Diamond Jubilee bank holiday. We also note the view of our DLR branch secretary that Serco Docklands’ response follows the company’s normal practice, applying the same procedure as for additional public holidays in previous years.

London Transport Regional Council and DLR branch to be advised.

RMT Secures £500 Olympic Bonus At Virgin Rail

RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that it has secured a £500 Olympics and Paralympics payment for Virgin Rail staff as part of a package which will also see wages and allowances rise by 4.6% or £950 (whichever is the greater) from April this year and a £500 flat rate payment for all staff covered by collective agreements for additional pressures on services throughout the Olympics period.

Overwhelming Votes For Action On Heathrow Express Over Sacking Of Driver And Victimisation Of RMT Activist

RAIL UNION RMT have confirmed that ballots for strike action and action short of a strike on Heathrow Express over the unfair dismissal of a driver member and over a campaign of harassment and victimisation against an RMT representative have returned overwhelming votes for action.

Blog: How Much Snow Is Too Much? When Trains Are Stalled And People Walked Along The Track

On Saturday night the predicted heavy snow brought much of the tube to a halt. Efforts were made to keep the service running and get passengers safely home by staff working that evening. However was the inevitable - trains being stuck in snow between stations - ignored until it was too late?