Issue 19 RMT Up front January 2012

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT up front, the newsletter for drivers on London Underground. This issue features articles on Driverless trains. the Olympics and the Trains Functional Council.

Main stories follow:

Driverless trains: LU plan to evict us from our ‘office’

Apart from the debate about what the Boxing Day ‘dispute’ was all about and whose idea it was, the main chat in mess rooms around the combine in the lead up to Christmas was the leaked plans which LUL have for us in the shape of driverless trains.

RMT Rejects Latest Tube Olympics Pay Offer

TUBE UNION RMT has rejected the latest Olympics pay offer from London Underground and has agreed to step up the pressure for a fair deal for all staff across the grades that properly rewards the additional work load and pressure that members will need to carry throughout the extended Olympics and Paralympics period.

The latest slightly improved offer from London Underground is made up of £100 depending on meeting ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’ targets and £20 per shift worked during the 4 weeks of the Games only

Results Of RMT Survey Of Women Members: Sexism In The Transport Sector

What actions do you think would help get rid of the sexist culture in your work place?

  • Awareness of what is/what is not acceptable.
  • Definitely more awareness training. More women in senior positions.
  • It's mostly the over 50's in the workplace as they are still stuck in the 1960's era!!
  • Have women on the board of directors would be nice!
  • There is a culture that says if you're not one of the "lads" i.e. Drink, swear or object to any discrimination you're attacked.

    Click read more to see more responses.

Branch News From Stratford 1


With 44 years service and only 13 working days until his retirement, Steve Hover, a respected and well-liked Loughton driver, was summoned to attend a Local Disciplinary Interview (LDI) for infringing LUL’s punitive sickness policy, and given a vindictive 23-week warning.

Elaine Holness Employment Tribunal 6/2/12

Elaine Holness Employment Tribunal February 6 2012

Elaine will finally get her chance to have her case heard at the Employment Tribunal in West Croydon on Monday Feb 6. Please make every effort to come down and support our comrade who has been treated so disgracefully since March 2009 by LUL and until we secure her re-instatement the victimisation dispute should not be considered closed.

BBC London Broadcasts Correction Following Misquote of Fire Brigades' Union On DLR Olympic Bonus

On Thursday's edition of BBC London, during an item about the £2500 Olympic Bonus for Docklands Light Railway workers the Fire brigades' Union was incorrectly quoted as saying "The Fire Brigades Union has told us tonight that they think this deal is unfair.”

The FBU was quick to correct the misquote issuing a statement to all their members:

RMT Demands Fresh Pay Talks As Eurostar Cleaners Vote To Strike

STRIKES BY some 150 cleaners on three contracts across the Channel tunnel network have come a step closer after RMT members voted by overwhelming margins for industrial action in a bid to raise appallingly low pay levels.

The union has demanded fresh talks with subcontracting employers OCS and Initial after workers on the OCS Eurostar contract and Initial’s Eurostar and the Network Rail Channel tunnel rail link contracts endorsed action with only two votes cast against.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said: